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Get creative with your kids with the following tips!

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Many parents want their child to have ideas and games about the games and things he or she does and even his or her future. Going to school, training classes, and educating educators and teachers all play a role in giving children ideas about their plans, but parents play a more important role.

Ideation is one of the characteristics of human behavior and the world today. The main programs of man and society – whether in the form of personal and family work or in the form of social work – are a selection of ideas from elites. Today, advanced societies are also brainstorming for the near future and the not-too-distant future.

Ideation about the future takes place in large research institutes called “Futurology” centers. This shows that ideation must be embedded in the lives and decisions of all citizens of the New World, especially children.

The first way to become acquainted with idea generation is to familiarize families with it and to incorporate it into the structure of family education so that children can learn intellectual and ideological development for their lives as they go through physical development. Families can pursue this by using methods and tools.

Contrary to what some people may think, carpentry and wood shaping tools or using craft supplies & materials for kids are often not expensive for children’s creativity, and in some cases, the child himself combines and makes them.

Happy room for the children painting

When a child plays with a creative device, or glues pieces of paper together, prepares a collage, or turns a ball of dough into a bowl or glass, he or she engages in an important activity rather than engaging in it. Creative and informative.

Activity in a creative game teaches the child a lot of self-confidence and self-reliance. The child also develops self-confidence and self-understanding when playing with creative play equipment. Playing with creative painting supplies & equipment helps the child find their identity, and when the child has finished playing, he or she may proudly say, Look, what I have made. Usually, saying this shows the child’s progress and pride.

Steps of teaching concepts to a child:

Visual (objective) learning stage: In this stage, which is the first and most basic stage of education, different objects should be made available to the child so that he can observe, manipulate and experience them, and while practicing and experimenting with them, concepts To receive the desired.

Example: To teach the concept of a bird, a child touches a domestic bird, touches their feathers, counts the number of wings, legs, beaks, etc., next to the mother or father. Seed watches him eat and thus learns a series of concepts related to the bird.

Semi-visual training stage (video): At this stage, the child is not present with objects and he can not touch and experience them but sees their images.

Learning through pictures (photos, posters, books, magazines, movies, etc.) should be done when the child has already received those concepts objectively and practically, and now to continue learning from pictures and patterns. At this stage, you can show the picture of several birds to the child and remind the child about the concepts related to it.

Mental stage: This stage of education relies on the child’s mentalities and mental imagery. When a child learns a concept objectively and visually, and then continues and repeats through images, questions and answers can be done mentally for repetition and practice. Example: The child can be asked what birds look like. Do they have each other? Or how many wings do birds have?

Reading books about idea generation

Constantly prepare books on brainstorming techniques and new ideas and take them home and read in front of children or read to them some digestible tips for children; To make the book accessible to children while reading or after reading so that at least they become familiar with such titles and these concepts are formed in their minds. You can buy everything from stationeries to school products form the best suppliers at the best price, not only these products are for children but also they are a really good match for office and schools, parents and Office Corporate stationery supplies.

Indirect transmission

In this way, parents are constantly talking about their ideas in front of their children. In this way, in their spare time, they come up with ideas by thinking about aspects of life and find them useful for their lives by creating different types of crafts with their hands. Then they can share their ideas with their spouse in the presence of the children and discuss it.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.