Business Good experience

The importance of converter experience and service excellence

Converter experience and service excellence are critical to achieving sales growth objectives. Manufacturers of products in the process industries need to convert feedstocks, materials, and energy sources into desired outputs for their customers competitively and cost-effectively.

Here is why converter experience and service excellence are important:

Critical to Achieving Sales Growth Objectives

Converters are challenged on many fronts. Still, two of the most critical challenges today are the need to maintain and grow sales in a competitive and cost-sensitive market while reducing operational costs. Additionally, converters need to compete successfully when some customers—end-users of the converter’s output—are demanding greater transparency concerning the environmental attributes of a converter’s processes. This requires greater engagement by converters with your customers. You need to convert feedstocks, materials, and energy sources into desired outputs for your customers competitively and cost-effectively.

Help in Achieving Return on Investment

To achieve these objectives, converters need to control their overall cost structure through various strategies. This includes reviewing the cost implications of converter equipment and service decisions on an ongoing basis. Converter equipment and service decisions are important contributors to your organization’s cost structure because they directly impact the total ownership costs of the converter.

Reduces Costs

Converters also benefit from reducing costs through the provision of effective equipment and service support. Proper equipment maintenance, while not free, can provide annual savings in the form of ongoing maintenance costs that have a dramatic impact on the overall cost structure.

Increases Profitability

By taking a proactive approach to service, converters can reduce costs while maximizing equipment performance. This translates to higher profits and improved return on investment. Another benefit of proactive support is the enhancement of customer satisfaction, which often results in greater customer loyalty and commitment.

Improves Customer Service

Customers expect service from their converters, and they want it when they need it most. Providing prompt service to customers can be very profitable for converters. Customer satisfaction is critical to your company’s ability to generate sales. You should try to anticipate the needs of your customers and provide timely service. For many converters, it’s easier to satisfy customers by anticipating and meeting their needs than to chase after lost revenue opportunities.

Helps to Achieve The Company’s Goals

Converters who know their customers’ goals and who can anticipate changes in the marketplace are the ones most likely to see an improvement in overall company performance. Your converter service departments have a tremendous impact on overall company performance. While not as glamorous as sales or production, good service goes a long way to keeping customers loyal. A loyal customer base is one of the best indicators of a company’s future success.

Delivers Consistent Results

The cost of a converter’s equipment is not the only consideration when looking at the total cost of ownership (TCO). At times, less expensive machines may be suitable for one feedstock while unsuitable for another because of limitations in the throughput capacity of these machines. As a result, your company’s overall TCO can be reduced by purchasing an appropriate machine but paying more than necessary for that machine. The purchase of a less expensive, less appropriate machine does nothing to reduce overall TCO.

Provides Opportunities for Growth

Your company’s TCO analysis focuses on the cost of the machine relative to its performance capabilities. Some machines such as the 3m preferred converter are attractive because they require little or no extra investment to achieve greater performance. The biggest challenge in purchasing a machine just for increased throughput is consistent performance throughout its life cycle. You can achieve this by requiring suppliers to meet certain requirements when delivering a machine as part of their T&M agreement.

Provides a Competitive Advantage

When selling your product, you face stiff competition from your primary customers. For this reason, it is often tempting to sell the customer your company’s standard equipment package and apply a standard price for a stand-alone service agreement. This approach can lead to less profitable outcomes for a converter.

An alternative way to compete is by linking the benefits offered by your equipment and service agreement together into one value proposition. By doing so, you are providing your customer with the components of an optimal solution. This can lead to you gaining valuable insights into your customer’s production process, enabling you to anticipate results better and propose an optimal solution.

Helps to Improve Overall Functioning

A converter’s service department is the conduit through which a customer interacts with your facility. This being the case, the effectiveness of an individual service person can significantly impact the overall perception of your facility, brand, and operational capability. A service person may be considered to be in a position of influence when performing their duties. When they help customers understand their requirements and still meet their production schedules, they can help enhance customer loyalty.


A strong and growing service department is key to your company’s success. Good service can help you achieve greater profitability while helping to achieve your marketing goals.


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.