Mailing items is a common task for many businesses. However, despite best efforts, business mail can sometimes go astray for various reasons. Here are some of the most common causes of business mail issues, along with tips on how to prevent them.
Incorrect Addressing
One of the top reasons business mail goes astray is incorrect addressing. This includes spelling the recipient’s name wrong, listing the wrong company name, using an outdated address, or even forgetting to include the suite or apartment number.
To avoid addressing issues, verify all recipient names and addresses before sending. Check your contacts list and website to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. Also, confirm the address format meets USPS standards. Using Address Validation through can catch any errors.
Insufficient Postage
If you don’t put enough postage on an envelope or package, it will likely be returned to you. Postage rates frequently change, so always check current rates, especially if it’s been a while since you mailed something. Oversized items usually require extra postage too. Consider getting a scale to weigh mail pieces and determine exact postage needs.
Tracking numbers are also essential nowadays. They allow you to confirm delivery and pinpoint issues. Using USPS tracking provides the most reliable monitoring. Make tracking numbers easy to access in case customers need them.
Illegible Handwriting
Handwritten envelopes can easily result in misdirected mail if the writing is messy or faint. The post office may struggle reading illegible addresses. Always neatly print addresses in dark ink. Use all capital letters as they are easiest to decipher from a distance.
Poor Envelope Sealing
Envelopes that aren’t properly sealed often come open during mail processing. Tape along the edges as an extra precaution. For larger packages, use quality packing tape over all closure seams. Reinforced packing tape reduces the chance of splitting. Also, avoid overstuffing envelopes and boxes.
Insufficient Identification
Business mail should always include a return address. It enables proper routing if the mail piece goes astray initially. Your company logo and department names are also helpful. Make return addresses visible by printing or stamping them clearly.
Use Certified Mail
Certified mail provides added security and tracking for important documents. When sending certified mail, the United States Postal Service provides a mailing receipt and electronic verification of delivery. This helps ensure valuable mail pieces reach their destination without getting lost. Certified mail also includes up to $50 of built-in insurance coverage. If an item is damaged or lost, the sender can be reimbursed. Check Certified Mail rates to see how much it will cost.
With certified mail, businesses and individuals alike can send sensitive information and rest assured knowing their mail was delivered successfully. The delivery confirmation and insurance provide useful peace of mind that makes certified mail a smart choice for critical correspondence.
By being mindful of these common mail mishaps, you can drastically reduce errors and improve delivery success. Follow best practices for addressing, postage, handwriting, sealing, and labeling. Ask senders to double-check details before handing off items. A few simple precautions will prevent most business mail problems.