Here is a picture of senior commander, Hans Löwenstein, at the compound of the Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, CA. In this picture we see the commanding officer showing a worker how to do their daily chores correctly or they may face punishment. (AP Photo/Dennis System, File) / AP
Menlo Park, CA — At 3:30 AM, Google workers are woken to the sound of trash cans and blow horns; this is courtesy of the security in charge of the facilities at Facebook Headquarters in Menlo, CA. These are the same facilities in which most critics have labeled worse than the prison death camps of North Korea.
After the worker and his room are deemed immaculately spotless by the guards, then and only then, can the workers run to breakfast. Unfortunately this food consists of room temperature slop which smells like rotten eggs. The mess is then rationed out into extremely small portions not even fit for a young child. Those that do not pass room detail will be forced to clean the latrines and then run fifteen miles on an empty stomach.
This is Alisha Sylvia who is very hard at work. She takes inbound calls and properly directs them towards the right people. If three mistakes are made the worker is then put into a holding cell. These Facebook holding cells are usually about 6 by 8 feet in size with steel or brick walls and one solid or barred door that locks from the outside. It is the job of the Facebook guard to determine if the worker will make a mistake again and be allowed back into their cubicle. (AP Photo/Dennis System, File) / AP
36-year-old Paul Horner, who has worked at Facebook for over 20 now, still with no pay raise, is in charge of the member monitoring station. His job is to make sure things like hoaxes, satire or fake news do not slip by Horner’s attention. Three infractions can earn Horner up to 30 lashes along with a month in an official Facebook sweat box.
Critics of Facebook and their colleagues say the exact same things happen on television stations such as Fox News.
“Fox News lies, they report fake news, all of it based on fear, and then a week later they will put out a six second retraction,” says Tom Downey, who is a spokesman for the equal rights of Facebook workers. “Facebook isn’t even creating the hoaxes or satire, unlike Fox News; they are just doing the best they can to stop it before it goes viral. It makes me sick!”
The secretly guarded Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, Ca, has a strict policy to shoot on site and armed guards watch the facility 24/7, looking for anyone that attempts to enter the compound illegally.
This is Lana Carlonna. Besides her beautiful smile she also is a very educated women and plans to move up in the ranks some day. We wish her all the best. (AP Photo/Dennis System, File) / AP
So, that was the end of our story, or so we thought.
Facebook was not pleased with us being there, claiming whoever let us in had made a “career ending mistake”. At this point we honestly just wanted to leave as soon as humanly possible. After lots of loud noises and the Faceboook security team frisking us down for any kind of recording devices we were finally able to leave.
But it did not end there.
Leaving the Facebook Compound, we were followed closely by four black Sedans ensuring that we headed straight to the airport and flew back to New York.
In my personally opinion I would not work for Facebook, but times are tight and some people have to bite the bullet, suck it up and do something they absolutely despise just in order to keep from sleeping on the streets. It was heartbreaking seeing the workers’ conditions at Facebook, but we are just a magazine that reports on the facts. Hopefully someone reading this will see the wrong in all of this and put an end to that pure evil corporation and hold criminals like Mark Zuckerberg responsible.
We can only hope.