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How to create social media friendly content

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Social media has completely changed the way that we interact and do business and it has completely been the driving force in these areas. You have to be social media friendly so that your posts become visible by other users and there are many ways to become visible for example you could use a growth service like Growthoid to get more Instagram followers, or post unique content that will attract a wide audience or create an attractive profile for your brand or business that includes a video. You can also make use of tags and hashtags and engage with users by responding to contacts as soon as possible. You have to remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes to marketing and if you want to succeed on social media, you need to dedicate some hours during the day. Here is a guide on how to create more friendly content.

Use social media to show your personality

Showcasing your personality on social media means using the platform to show your followers who you are on a more personal level. You can do this by showing people glimpses of your personal life, displaying a sense of humour, inspiring people, and storytelling. This act is very important because you don’t want to just bombard your followers with posts about your product or service, you want to connect to them on a human level. Displaying your personality will strengthen the trust that your followers have in you and it will result in their loyalty and more support, engagement, and followers.

Share content that is relevant to the people that you’re following

The term “relevant content” is a very broad one with so many definitions. Relevant content could mean content that gets people talking about your product, it could mean content that aligns with the tone and audience of your page and contains all the relevant keywords that will place you at the top of the search results, which helps to gain many followers, and it could also mean content that is relevant to the audience or content that they are looking for. To determine which content will work well you need to examine your niche and give them the content that they resonate with. You also need to analyse your audience demographics to determine their age and gender. It is important to know your niche because you need to be able to give them content that they want to see so that they can support you.

Don’t force things or try too hard

It is very important to take things one step at a time and not attempt to grow your account just for the sake of it and as much as consistency is important on social media, you want to avoid posting too much because this might annoy your followers which will result in less engagement and possibly a loss in followers. It is recommended that you post between 3-5 posts per week on your feed.

Build a network of friends and followers

It is very important to find followers who care about what you have to say because these are the type of people who will share and engage with your content which will likely result in more visibility and more followers. Real followers are a great form of support online. They will make sure to share your content and support your business by buying your product or investing in your service. Another benefit is that the more followers your account has, the more people will view your business as trustworthy and reliable.

Respond back

Engagement is vital on social media and it is not a one-way street, as much as your followers engage with your content, you also have to engage with them in return. This means replying to their comments, liking their comments, and replying to their direct messages. This will help establish your relationship with your followers and build trust and loyalty which is so important. It also affects engagement rates positively by boosting them. More engagement means more followers so this is all for your benefit.

Many businesses on social media use their platform to only sell and advertise their product, not understanding the importance of showing their personality and connecting with their followers on a personal level.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.