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List of Video Streaming Apps That You Should Download Now

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Now that we are facing a global crisis, people are now into entertaining things to make their stay at home worth it. Whenever someone is bored and wants to kill time, they can take advantage of today’s technology to be entertained. People can use their mobile devices, TV’s and even their gaming set up to use all of those for entertainment. Aside from those, people can also resort to watching their favorite films or TV shows.

With the help of technology, all of us can now watch videos through our mobile devices. What we need to do is to download different video streaming platforms to satisfy our needs. So here are some of the video streaming apps that you should download now.

Tubi TV

If you want to access a video-streaming application that can offer blockbuster TV shows and movies, then it is the app that you are looking for. The app might be the best deal to any user, and it can showcase many features that users want in an app. Moreover, this app has a weekly update of its contents for users to enjoy watching significant collections of shows.

It is an official Tubi app that people can freely access, and it offers users to stream thousands of TV shows and movies. The catalog of Tubi TV contains TV series and films of various genres and categories that are legal, and its server is also hosted by Tubi TV. The shows include martial arts, drama, fiction, science, comedy, action, and a lot more. People can pick the series or movie that they prefer, select one, and it automatically plays after a few moments. If you want to learn more and know how it works, check this out and more about tubi tv app.


This app is simple and easy to use, but it’s content-rich that people would surely enjoy using. It enables users to watch, organize, and explore award-winning TV shows and movies through their mobile devices. Moreover, it is also an add-on system that allows users to get hold of premium services such as Twitch, HBO, and Netflix. Also, it can provide every necessary detail about the movie that you’re going to watch.


TrueID TV is a fantastic app that enables users to watch premium movies and live TV with zero cost. It houses many films, and almost all of the contents are based on Anime series, Hollywood movies, and Thai cinema. Also, TrueID TV gives you access to TV channels with high-definition quality.

Viki Rakuten

Viki Rakuten’s central dedication is for the entertainment of the Asian industry. The movies that it offers have subtitles in the above two hundred languages. With that, all the users who will watch all the film will surely understand and enjoy them quickly. It can also offer premium services for users to enjoy and experience ad-free content.


It is among the top apps, and users can easily search for their favorite TV shows and movies. Users are also able to create their watch list for them to keep track of their favorite TV series and films in an index. People can also check their watch lists using different devices. Furthermore, the videos or contents are available in an organized manner, and all of them contain important information.


SnapTube’s contents are unique and vibrant that entertainment seekers will surely enjoy. It allows users to save their audio and video files for them to watch and listen to later. With that, users are still allowed to view their audios and videos even if they are offline. Moreover, the homepage of SnapTube showcases the trending and newest videos that you can enjoy watching.


Entertainment is what people need in times of boredom, problem, and especially when we are facing a world crisis. People can watch their favorite TV series and movies to forget everything that they are going through. With Tubi TV’s help, users can achieve all of that. That’s why whenever you need entertainment, download and start using this app.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.