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How Police are Making a Difference in Schools

Written by Jimmy Rustling

For many years, police officers have been making a positive difference in the lives of school children, which includes high schoolers, through a variety of roles and initiatives. These programs are important because they not only protect students on campus but also support their growth as individuals.

With the unfortunate rise of anti-police rhetoric, groups like the National Police Association (NPA) work hard to restore the reputation of police officers in general. It should go without saying that not all cops are bad, and many go above and beyond to support their local communities. And officers who are committed to making deeper contributions to society through schools are at the forefront of restoring a positive reputation to law enforcement.

Here are just some of the ways law enforcement officers make a difference in schools.

Safety and security

At a basic level, police officers respond to schools when needed for emergencies, crimes in progress, natural disasters, and more. Beyond this, schools also consult with local police departments to develop their crisis response plans. Every school is required by law to have some kind of emergency response plan in place, although the specifics vary since every state’s laws are different.

Police provide education to students and staff

Whether it’s crime prevention education, learning what to do after being involved in a car accident, or being forced to see the horrors of drinking and driving, police officers spend a lot of time educating students and staff.

Sometimes schools will bring in a single officer to give a speech about a particular topic of interest, but other times they bring in a team of officers to conduct an in-depth presentation. What they discuss depends on the school, but presentations generally fall into one of the following categories:

The various programs and presentations administered by cops aim to help students understand the consequences of engaging in illegal and dangerous activities and to help them make safe choices.

They are effective mediators

Often, police officers assist in mediating conflicts between students in order to resolve disputes peacefully. They use their training in de-escalation to get results, which is why they are often called in for help in serious situations. In the case where a student is being questioned about a crime, the responding officer might call in other parties involved to see if they can create resolution to the school’s satisfaction and avoid an arrest.

They are dedicated security

In addition to calling in police from the outside, many schools participate in a School Resource Officer (SRO) program. These programs employ a Sheriff’s deputy (part-time or full-time) to monitor and protect the school throughout the day. They are typically armed while on campus, although some wear plain clothes.

There isn’t much data available regarding how effective these programs are overall because they’ve been managed by the Sheriff’s department and not the school, but that is changing. However, one thing we know is that when SROs wear plain clothes, they build stronger rapport with the students they serve. This makes sense considering just seeing a cop in uniform can be triggering for some people.

Most departments require officers to take additional training before they can apply to become an SRO, although each state’s laws differ. Officers have to want to be an SRO to be put in the position. In many cases, it’s a promotion that requires a formal application process.

The presence of an SRO on campus can actually serve both the students and police in general. As kids become more comfortable with the officer’s presence, and as they build trust and rapport, they’re more likely to develop a positive perception of police.

They are mentors and counsellors

SROs also play a role in schools as mentors and counselors, although in an informal way. However, there are formal mentorship programs that bring cops and kids together. Sometimes mentorship programs are used for at-risk youth, but other times it’s an option to avoid prosecution for a crime.

Police officers play a vital role in supporting local schools

While law enforcement’s main role is to serve the community, that includes schools. Through their commitment to supporting schools with various programs, police officers contribute to a safe and supportive environment with an optimized learning experience for all students.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.