Good experience Law

How to Become the Best Immigration Lawyer?

Given the stagnation in the global economy, the grim outlook of the economic future, and the resultant influx of immigrants, there is no doubt that the amount of legal work is going to increase, especially in the immigration law. Therefore, there is no doubt that employment rates of lawyers are going to grow as well, especially in those fields which are affected by economic stagnation.

If you are an aspiring lawyer, make sure that you work on a niche like immigration law rather than doing a holistic legal practice, so that you can develop your expertise in a specific legal area. Here we have compiled for you the attributes that are required to become the best lawyer you can be, like Josh Goldstein has become.

Good Communication Skills:

Good communication skills here do not only mean that you must be able to communicate fluently with the client and in court. It also means that you will have to make sure that your clients are in the loop about the state of their case.

Immigration cases are incredibly finicky, and the clients will mostly be restive, and their only source of confidence will be you. Hence, it is important to encode it in your behavior that to become the best immigration lawyer, you have to maintain a steady flow of information with the client.

Great Accessibility:

As I already mentioned that clients with immigration issues are incredibly finicky, and they always feel the need to access you. Although, it is unreasonable for clients to expect that their lawyer will pick their every call, but make sure that you develop a habit of being accessible.

Do not forget to call back if you happen to miss a call. Your clients are always going to need advice, answers to their questions, reassurances about their cases. Therefore, make sure that you make up your mind to be accessible if you wish to be a successful immigration lawyer.


Successful immigration lawyers are so much more than just lawyers because they have to counsel and develop a reasonable relationship with their clients. If you plan to become one, try to learn the native language of the top immigrants in your country.

Because so often, it happens that you will have to talk to the extended family of the client. If you know their native language, you can not only understand them better but can also develop a closer relationship with them.

Relevant Experience:

Experience is one thing that is gained on job, and you cannot do anything beforehand to make it better, but you can ensure your planning to be precise. Make a list of top immigration law firms in your city and then start job hunting.

Be clear in your head about the kind of experience you want, because this way you will know that you are heading in the right direction and not just going with the flow. Once you get into a top firm, try to handle a variety of immigration cases to build your portfolio and expand your clientele.

Glowing Record:

Your hiring frequency will depend a lot on your record, therefore work hard to make it better by satisfying most of your clients, and you can only do that by getting favorable judgments and winning cases.

But if you end up ditching a client, be aware that he can complain to the state bar association where it will be recorded and will always be shown on your record. Therefore, always be cautious about the way you handle your clients.


Immigration law is a complex legal practice area, and if you dream of pursuing it, you must start working on your mindset and behavior and try to incorporate the afore-mentioned attributes so that you can become the best immigration lawyer.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.