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Criminal Lawsuit Vs. Civil Lawsuit: Key Differences

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Two significant legislation bodies constitute our judicial system: civil and criminal cases. Criminal issues arise when someone breaches a law or executes a crime, often ending in jail. Civil proceedings address practically all other conflicts and usually aim for some compensation.

A criminal lawsuit lawyer is in charge of a criminal prosecution brought by the government. A private party, generally an individual or company, files a civil suit against another private party, typically another individual or organization. As a general rule, but not entirely, criminal and civil law attorneys are employed.

Both need a lot of trial and error. Both include presenting evidence to a jury under the direction of a judge. The court decides on some pre-trial issues and evidentiary disagreements. In some jurisdictions, criminal and civil matters are handled by the same court, while in many others (including Missouri and Kansas), there are separate judges for each case.

Who is the Victim of the Crime

Criminal law is concerned with crimes that directly impact society, including murder and assault. No matter how many victims the perpetrator may have killed or injured, if justice is not administered, it has consequences for the rest of society. Only the state has the authority to file criminal charges against you.

However, civil law covers any criminal activity aimed against a single individual or company, such as a contract violation or damage to property. As a consequence, the legal debate has two sides. When it comes to civil cases, the plaintiff is usually the one who initiates the legal proceedings.

Proof Standard Requirements

It’s also important to note a significant difference in the level of evidence required to be charged with civil and criminal cases. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” proof is required before a person may be found guilty of a crime. A jury will be present to guarantee that justice is served fairly and reasonably in most cases.

On the other hand, civil cases have lower requirements and are simpler to prove since they need less proof. To prove anything, you need a “preponderance of evidence” to show a civil case to be accurate, indicating a greater than 50% possibility that the statement is correct based on the evidence. The judge’s decision determines most civil matters. The fundamental reason for this discrepancy is the severity of each punishment.

Type of Punishment

The severity of punishment is related to the seriousness of the crime, with more severe offenses attracting harsher penalties. According to the state’s jurisdictional rules, most people who are found guilty of a crime are sentenced to prison or death. Civil cases do not need imprisonment. Rather than monetary penalties, such as fines or compensatory damages, court orders, or a mixture of both, are the most common form of punishment.

Human Rights and Security

In criminal and civil law, the rights and protections of the defendant are different. In a criminal trial, every defendant is entitled to the services of counsel. To ensure that everyone is represented fairly, those who cannot afford an attorney will be given one by the government. If you can’t afford an attorney, you have to express yourself in a civil matter. Charity groups like Legal Aid can provide free legal aid if you can’t afford a lawyer.

Final Thoughts

Unlike civil law, which seeks justice for the harm done to a person or business, criminal law embraces all forms of illegal activities that have a negative impact on the community. Moreover, criminal and civil law differ in defendant rights, evidentiary requirements, and penalties.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.