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How Long Do Vinyl Windows Last?

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Investment in replacement windows is a critical home improvement task. You want to ensure that they will last and give a strong return on your investment.

How long vinyl windows last depends on a few key criteria. In this article we will investigate these four criteria that determine their lifespan.

One of the advantages of Edmonton windows is the they can last for over 30 years, offering maximum return on your investment.


Pricing is often an important consideration when shopping for new windows, and vinyl offers competitive prices when compared with fiberglass and wood options. Furthermore, vinyl comes with an extended lifetime warranty, adding value when considering resale value.

Vinyl windows offer durability and longevity as two of their primary advantages. They can withstand adverse weather, outliving wood or aluminum windows over time. Plus, their maintenance requirements are simple – simply following manufacturer recommendations will keep them looking brand new for many years!

Vinyl windows are made of an extremely resilient plastic compound, making them extremely long-lived. Their average lifespan ranges between 20-40 years depending on where they’re installed in terms of climate and environment; sunlight will cause it to degrade faster than in an un-shaded location, for example. Manufacturers understand this phenomenon and offer various grades to accommodate each environment.

Energy Efficiency

Installing new vinyl windows can significantly cut energy costs in your home. Their strong and sturdy frames act as natural insulators to help reduce heating and cooling bills, making the investment worthwhile when taking into account that it can pay for itself in just a few years.

Energy efficient glass can further boost efficiency of frames. It blocks harmful UV rays while decreasing heat transfer without diminishing natural light levels.

Routine maintenance and proper care of vinyl windows can significantly extend their lifespan, keeping them looking brand new for many years to come. This type of care also decreases degradation caused by harsh environments like those with high humidity. Furthermore, shade windows that are exposed to sunlight; this will prevent them from fading over time as occurs with wooden windows.


Homeowners want windows that will withstand the elements and last a long time, adding value to their homes while decreasing replacement costs in the long run. Vinyl windows are among the most durable window solutions on the market; made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), an extremely resilient plastic polymer widely used to make pipes, they won’t warp or fade under any condition.

Vinyl windows don’t rust or corrode like aluminum ones and outlive wood ones which are susceptible to rot and mold growth. With proper care and use of UV inhibitors, homeowners can expect their vinyl windows to last a long time.


Vinyl windows can last between 20-40 years depending on the conditions in your home. Vinyl is a hard, chemical-resistant plastic which makes it more durable than other options like wooden and aluminum windows which typically last 15-20 years each.

Insulators sheets also serve to keep heat inside during winter and air out in summer, thus cutting energy costs. Plus, unlike aluminum or wood materials, they don’t rust or corrode!

Your old, single-pane windows that no longer keep heat or cooling out properly could be telling of their age and needing replacement, as these could be signs that it’s time for replacement windows. Vinyl replacement windows offer elegant timeless designs to complement both modern and traditional homes alike and have a 50 year life expectancy while providing energy efficiency, beauty, and durability benefits to your home. Contact us for a free quote – we offer various solutions that are sure to meet both your needs and budget requirements.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.