Tesla solar roof is the latest invention in the roofing industry and has been making highlights since its launch, yet many people are still unfamiliar with it. Therefore, to understand its many aspects we have compiled this article which introduces you to Tesla solar roof and its working.
What is a Tesla solar roof?
Back in October 2016, Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla company which is famous for manufacturing electric cars) along with SolarCity launched Tesla’s solar roof with the initiative of making use of renewable sources of energy i.e solar energy in generating electrical energy on which a whole house could run.
Each tile in a Tesla solar roof consists of a color Louver film covering and this film helps the tiles in blending into a roof and exposes the tiles to the sun. The cherry on top is that the tiles also consist of tempered glass for the sake of longer durability.
How much does a Tesla solar roof cost?
It can approximately cost about $21.85 per square foot. However, the total cost varies from building to building and it depends on the number of tiles required and power consumption per month.
Why choose a Tesla solar roof?
Among the many advantages it promises, let us enlist the ones that make a Tesla solar roof stand out among all the roofing options available out there and most roofing companies in Albuquerque, New Mexico have installation options available:
Lifetime warranty
Well, all the products that we have come across throughout our lives do not offer a lifetime warranty but Tesla makes its customers avail of this opportunity. This warranty is valid for solar roof tiles only. Moreover, Tesla provides a warranty of 25 years that covers installation, labor, and the repair and replacement of materials, parts, and electrical components when needed. If any part needs a touch-up, Tesla is there to provide a helping hand.
On the other hand, solar panels last for about 25 years and need renewal after this period thus compelling you to pay repeatedly.
Various designs
Even though Tesla solar roof has been recently introduced, it still provides you with four different designs so that you can select the one that is tailor-made for your humble abode. These types include:
- Slate glass tile
- Tuscan glass tile
- Smooth glass tile
- Textured glass tile
Energy savings
The cost of electricity has increased by a few percent each year, however, if and when you install a Tesla solar roof the fear of increased energy costs would vanish and you are likely to get a constant electricity bill each month without much added to it.
If you want to power your whole house using the Tesla solar roof, you have to spend some amount to purchase an energy storage system. This system would store the energy during peak sun hours which can be utilized later on.
No maintenance
All the other roofing types are to be looked at from time to time especially if a natural disaster has occurred such as an earthquake, hurricane, hailstorm, strong winds, etc. Whereas Tesla solar requires no such conditions and you need not check it thoroughly after the occurrence of a natural phenomenon.
What does a generator serving the same purpose as that of a Tesla solar roof do when it is producing electricity? No doubt, it makes you feel that you are soon going to lose both your mind and ears to the maddening sound coming out of it.
Now, the Tesla solar roof is also responsible for the production of electricity but you can be assured as it does not make any irritating sound thus saving your ears.
It is a concern of a lot of people residing particularly in areas that receive a lot of water naturally that whether Tesla solar roofs can withstand excessive snow, rain, hail, etc as these add up water to a roof and can damage the solar roof as is the case with a few types of roofs. Ease down because Tesla solar roofs are waterproof and would not cause any harm even in wet climates.
The reason for this is that the solar tiles are formulated in a way that they overlap each other when installed, as a result, any sort of leakage is prevented.
Is the Tesla solar roof the one for you?
Before knowing the answer to this question, you must keep a few things in mind:
- A Tesla solar roof would cost you more than you’ve imagined as you need not only a solar energy system but also a completely new roof whether you need it or not. It will cost about $25000 more than the regular solar panels.
- Also, for buildings with flat or low sloped roofs, Tesla solar roofs cannot be installed on them. To install a Tesla solar roof, the pitch or slope is supposed to be kept at least at an angle of 14 degrees whereas there does not exist such a requirement for the installation of solar panels.
What could be better than going for a Tesla solar roof when all the previous roofing types had one or more shortcomings and were not suitable for every area, right? Tesla solar roof ensures durability in every environment they are put in. Furthermore, if you are a part of the green movement and wish to contribute your share to the ecosystem then Tesla solar roof is the one for you.
Gone is the time when replacing or repairing a roof was considered a wastage of money rather than an investment or asset having the power to make a handsome amount in return. With the introduction of the Tesla solar roof, this has become a piece of cake.