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Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) Consulting is needed in Business

More businesses are adopting AI because of the growing amounts of data and the value that AI applications deliver to businesses.

According to a 2021 IBM and Morning Consult survey, a third of companies have deployed artificial intelligence and half of this number is exploring AI.

However, the adoption of AI is facing some barriers, such as:

  • Complexity of data
  • Limited knowledge and expertise in AI
  • Absence of relevant tools for AI model development
  • High rate of AI failures/ poor guarantee of AI model success.

With these limitations, businesses are held back from exploring AI as much as they should. However, artificial intelligence consulting can help companies overcome these barriers, enjoy the benefits of AI technologies, and reduce the chances of failure.

What is artificial intelligence consulting and why is necessary?

AI consulting gives companies and businesses a boost in their AI design and implementation. It supports you to use more data to strengthen your business operations, as well as the right methods to make your business processes faster.

AI consulting can be seen as consulting that leverages big data and machine learning to support your business, depending on your field and specifications.

If your business has always depended on non-digital sources of revenue, AI consulting might help you take the first bold step towards business models based on artificial intelligence.

How can Artificial Intelligence Consulting help companies?

Artificial intelligence consulting can help companies navigate and use AI technologies in a way that improves their business.

They can achieve this in the following ways:

Formulating an in-depth business objective and deciding whether or not AI technology holds the best solution to achieving it.

Designing, building, and deploying artificial intelligence applications suitable for the defined business objectives.

Training employees on AI technologies and approaches.

What do artificial intelligence consulting activities look like?

AI consulting services will cover several business areas, including creating an AI strategy that will be successful.

For businesses new to implementing AI at Work, it is necessary to be clear on the data strategy in the first instance, including defining data sources, having an overview of data preparation and analysis, policy compliance, and security.

Your business often gives you most of the data you need, so what you have to do is use that data in business process optimization, cost reduction, and revenue increase.

Companies that have used AI for a long time can benefit from the advanced strategies that AI consulting services implement, such as image recognition, neural networks, and simulation techniques.

Who is an AI consultant and what are his duties?

An AI consultant is a person who will support and guide you through all the processes your business will go through, beginning at the planning stage and even after implementation.

The AI consultant has in-depth knowledge of artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning as well as other practical expertise and experience from previous projects.

An AI consultant can help you define your business strategy, find the most efficient methods, carry out the deployment, and also maintain the infrastructure needed for the smooth running of your AI algorithms.

They can help you choose the best tools, get a good vendor, and also offer cloud provisioning to your business.


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.