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Use These 5 Tips to Keep Your Car Comfortable Throughout the Summer

Written by Jimmy Rustling

As a car owner, you probably already know how to shop for a vehicle, keep it in excellent condition, and make it last for years. These are undeniably important steps to take, but they shouldn’t be your only priority! As summer nears, you should also learn how to keep your car comfortable for yourself and your passengers during scorching hot days. This way, you’ll keep your vehicle’s indoor temperature at the ideal level, and you can stay cool and comfy during your commute and avoid the dangers of heat exposure. Here are some points to start with:

Make sure the AC is working

Dealing with a broken car AC system is the last thing you want during commutes on hot days. So, before summer arrives, have your vehicle’s air-conditioning system inspected by an expert and ask them to make the necessary repairs, servicing, and parts replacement. This way, you’re assured that the AC is 100% functional and that it won’t easily break down during the summer.

Invest in sun shades

Sun shades are made of special mesh materials that can reduce the amount of UV rays that enter your car by up to 84%. By installing a high-quality car shade in each of your windows, you can protect yourself from skin cancer and other health issues that UV rays can cause while minimising window glare and ensuring that it won’t affect your vision while driving. As an added bonus, you’ll prevent your car seats, interior trim, and more from fading and discolouration and keep the vehicle interior elegant and beautiful for as long as possible.

Buy quality seat covers

Some seat covers are excellent at retaining heat, and unless you’re all right with burning the backs of your legs, they are NOT what you’ll want to use in the middle of summer. Instead, switch to seat covers that are made of breathable materials and will help you stay cool and comfortable during your drive. As much as possible, opt for seat covers with lighter colours. They might get dirty and stained quickly, but they’re better than dark-coloured covers which absorb large amounts of heat.

Look for shady parking spaces

If you need to leave your car behind for hours, always make sure that it’s parked in the shade. An indoor parking garage or a covered parking lot is the best option since the roofing effectively protects your vehicle from the sun. If these options aren’t available, consider parking under a tree or behind a large building. Proper parking will help your car stay cool and prevent the interior from getting too warm while you’re away. It can also stop the windscreen from developing stress cracks, which can develop from extreme temperature changes.

Stock your emergency kit with cooling supplies

You’ll never know when you’d run into car troubles, so make sure that your vehicle emergency kit has everything you need to stay cool and comfortable. Pack the basics, like a first-aid kit, flashlight, reflective triangles, and jumper cables, but also include wide-brimmed hats and high-SPF sunscreen so you can be protected from the sun if you’d need to step out of your car. You should also have bottles of water and electrolyte drinks so you won’t get thirsty and dehydrated.

Without any intervention, your car can quickly heat up during warm days and create an uncomfortable driving experience for you and your loved ones. Use these tips to keep your vehicle interior cool and comfortable even when it’s scorching and sweltering outside!


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.