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When to Seek Legal Advice: Key Signs You Need a Lawyer

Written by Jimmy Rustling

People go about their lives daily, not realizing how much the law affects them. They don’t need lawyers for these situations, but there are times when legal advice is helpful. What are some signs a person needs a lawyer?

Plan Ahead

A person might wait until they have a legal issue to contact an attorney. Developing a relationship with this professional before they need a lawyer is always smart. It never hurts to have a legal checkup, much as one has a medical checkup, to ensure everything is okay. When problems are caught early, they are usually easier to fix. 

When is a Lawyer Essential?

People may wonder when they must contact an attorney. Lawyers are needed for some issues, mainly when they involve a significant life change or event. A person arrested for a crime or anyone named in a civil suit should speak to an attorney immediately. Any change in family status should be discussed with an attorney, and the same holds for any change in a person’s financial status. A major accident that led to personal injury or property damage calls for a visit to an attorney for advice. 

Other Options

Individuals have options other than attorneys in certain situations. For example, when a business acts improperly, a person might call the local consumer protection agency for help. Many companies have departments to handle customer complaints, and some communities employ an ombudsman to mediate and resolve minor issues. A person might also contact a local radio or television station to see if they have an individual tasked with resolving consumer-related disputes. States often have dispute resolution centers or neighborhood justice centers to help people resolve conflicts and charge little for their services. 

When Is Counseling Beneficial?

If the problem is family-related, consider counseling before contacting an attorney. A counselor can help couples struggling in their marriages, work with parents who have child-rearing issues, or help those who are drowning in debt and need relief. Church leaders may also help in these situations, so a person might want to contact their priest or pastor before contacting an attorney. 

Small-Claims Court

People can represent themselves in small claims court for minor issues that don’t involve large sums of money. Often, the maximum amount that can be handled in small-claims court is $2,500, although this varies by jurisdiction. Individuals pay little to file in small claims court and can represent themselves rather than using an attorney. 

When is an Attorney Essential?

An attorney should handle estate planning and real estate transactions to ensure nothing is overlooked. Nobody wants to buy property only to learn there are problems with the title, and a person wants to ensure their assets will be handled as they desire when they pass. An attorney can help in both situations to ensure the estate planning documents are drawn up correctly, and a seller has the legal right to transfer property to a new owner.

Attorneys should finalize divorces and legal separations, although the partners may come to an agreement before contacting lawyers. Anyone party to a lawsuit should also seek legal advice, and the same holds for those drafting contracts or agreements. The attorney can review these documents to find any potential pitfalls. 

If there is any question regarding whether an attorney is needed, a person should meet with two or three attorneys to learn whether they can resolve the matter independently. If they cannot, the selected attorney will happily assist them. Knowing when to call an attorney and when to act on your own will save time and money, so keep this information in mind when making that critical decision. 

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.