
7 Ways Expert Witnesses Benefit Judges and Juries

Written by Jimmy Rustling

While expert witnesses can be hired by the prosecution and the defense, these subject matter professionals should be relatively objective. 

High-stakes cases aren’t always easy to follow for the men and women sitting on the jury. The subject matter might, depending on the industry and the root of the problem, be complicated. 

So, if people with no specialized knowledge about the topics being argued in court don’t have help making sense of what the defense and prosecutor say, they can’t make informed decisions. And that’ll compromise the legal process.

That’s why expert witnesses are often called to provide testimony that clarifies what might otherwise be confusing to juries and judges.

Here are seven ways expert witnesses provide the sort of information that helps juries deliberate and reach decisions on cases.

  1. Expert Witnesses Boost Credibility

Expert witnesses can establish credibility. For instance, if a court case revolves around a dispute over software source code, an expert witness with source code expertise can lend credibility to the arguments made in court. These legal professionals are supposed to provide objective testimony that jurors can count on when the time comes to retreat to a room, discuss the matter with other jurors, and take a vote.

  1. Clarify Hard-to-Understand Information

Remember that courtroom testimony can sometimes be difficult to understand. The terminology, legal arguments, and conflicting testimony from the defense and prosecution can make it hard for jurors to follow what’s going on and make intelligent decisions. 

However, expert witnesses break down the complicated and make it more easily digestible. They’re also available to answer questions should jury members need clarification or further elaboration on key points.

  1. Help Assess Damages and Financial Losses

Another way expert witnesses help in courtrooms is by assessing damages and financial losses.

In cases involving fraud, business disagreements, and other matters, expert witnesses can calculate financial losses, compensation values, and future costs to help juries make the right decisions.

  1. Detect Fraud and Misrepresentation

It’s not always easy to identify fraudulent testimony or clear up misrepresentation. However, expert witnesses can shed light on things like misleading financial records, improper interpretation of laws and statutes, forged documents, and more.

Without the contributions of these professionals, problematic testimony might go unnoticed. It’s about setting the record straight and ensuring juries deliberate on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

  1. Strengthen a Case in Cross-Examination

Yet another way expert witnesses can help during court cases is during the cross-examination stages of court trials. An expert witness who is well-prepared will shine during cross-examination — even when facing aggressive questioning courtesy of the opposing counsel. Their testimony can reinforce legal arguments and make a strong impression on jurors.

  1. Increase the Chances of a Successful Verdict

One reason lawyers hire expert witnesses is that the testimonies from these professionals can be enough to win over the jury. It’s about finding an expert who can persuade jurors with compelling evidence and persuasive arguments — and it might be enough to score a successful outcome.

  1. Influence Settlement Negotiations

Don’t underestimate the impact an expert witness can have on settlement talks even before a trial commences. Such a professional can convince the warring parties before the trial to engage in good-faith settlement talks and avoid taking their disagreement to court.

Expert witnesses are important players in the legal process and can help jurors do their jobs effectively. If you’re ever called for jury duty and are appointed to a difficult case, you’ll be better equipped to do what’s expected of you if an expert witness takes the stand to provide testimony.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.