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Chilliwack Psychologist And Counselling Clinic For Anxiety And Depression: Finding The Right One

Written by Jimmy Rustling

There has never been a time in history when the world appeared to be as difficult or stressful as it seems right now. A significant number of people still battle persistent worry, which constantly threatens to engulf them. Talking to loved ones and friends can be beneficial, but there are times when it’s either not feasible or not sufficient.

The best method to understand and manage anxiety is to seek the help of a psychologist for anxiety treatment. A skilled counselor will be able to assist in reducing feelings of shame or self-doubt. You’ll get the opportunity to express yourself and work on devising techniques that are successful.

Visiting a counselor might also assist you in determining the root of the issues that are generating your anxiety. Managing your anxiety is a step in the right direction toward respecting your mental health. Follow this link to discover more!

If you are still on the fence about seeking professional help for your anxiety, the following list of the top five advantages of doing so should sway your decision.

Acquiring an Understanding of Anxiety

Both children and adults experience anxiety problems on a regular basis.   A severe form of anxiety disorder affects around 4 percent of adults and roughly 6 percent of teenagers.

There are various primary categories of anxiety disorders, including the following:

The constant presence of concern or worried sensations is one of the hallmarks of generalized anxiety disorder. People who suffer from this condition are prone to experiencing anxiety about a variety of issues, including their health, their money, and an overarching feeling that something undesirable is about to occur. Restlessness, impatience, muscular tension, trouble focusing, difficulty sleeping, and an overall sensation of being on edge are all symptoms. Read more on this page.

Panic disorder is characterized by reoccurring panic attacks that also include symptoms like panting, trembling, sweating, or a feeling of choking; a pounding heart as well as rapid heart rate; but also feelings of dread.

These kinds of attacks frequently take place unexpectedly and without prior warning. People who suffer from panic attacks frequently develop a dread of not knowing when the next attack may strike, which can force them to alter or restrict the activities they would normally engage in.

Phobias are defined as irrational phobias of certain things (such as spiders or snakes, for example) or circumstances (such as flying on aircraft), which are seen to be upsetting or invasive.

Moreover, a common alternative name for social anxiety disorder is “social phobia.” People who suffer from this condition have significant anxiety about being in social circumstances in which they may be ridiculed or evaluated. They are likely to have feelings of anxiety while spending time in social settings, to experience feelings of self-consciousness when others are around, and to fret about being dismissed by others or offending others.

Other typical symptoms include having a difficult time establishing friends, avoiding social settings, fretting for days before a social function, and experiencing symptoms such as feeling shaky, sweating, or queasy while spending more time in a social setting.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, often known as OCD, is characterized by recurrent, uncontrolled sensations and thoughts known as obsessions, as well as rituals or routines (compulsions). Some frequent instances are continuously reviewing work for faults or washing one’s hands excessively because of a fear of germs. Other examples include compulsively cleaning one’s hands.

Post-traumatic stress disorder, sometimes known as PTSD, is a mental illness that can manifest itself when a person has a significant psychological or physical trauma, such as seeing or experiencing a violent act. After a traumatic event, a person may have symptoms such as flashbacks of the event, nightmares, and fearful thoughts that disrupt their normal routine for a period of time that might last for months or even years.

A Judgment Free Zone

Meeting with a therapist or counselor provides a protected environment in which it is OK to discuss about anxiety and your depression. You won’t be judged or ignored, and you won’t have the feeling that you’re putting the other person’s difficulties on their shoulders when you talk to them about your issues. Instead, the two of you may come to an agreement that will benefit both of you and then collaborate on the matter.

Your anxiety will be easier to control and conquer with this method, and you won’t have to worry about sabotaging yourself. Follow the link for more

Looking Deep Inside Of Yourself 

When you see a counselor for anxiety, they may assist you in delving into your history and working over traumatic experiences, which is one of the benefits of doing so. People are unsure of how to begin addressing their anxiety because there are numerous factors that contribute to it. This is particularly true if the individual has difficulty in identifying the traumatic experiences that they went through in the first place.

A counselor has the ability to see and assist you access areas of yourself that you were completely unaware ever existed.

A Dose Of Cold Hard Truth 

In addition, attending therapy on a weekly basis might assist you by giving you a reality check. Since the psychologist listens to your concerns without passing judgment or displaying bias, you can always count on them to tell you the truth. Those individuals who are unsure of whether or not they are overstating their levels of anxiety or depression might truly benefit from this information. Click here for more.

Relieves Stress

Talking to your counselor may be a stress-relieving experience in and of itself. Getting through life is a fight that we all have to wage, but venting your frustrations to a therapist may help you feel better mentally and physically. You will feel heard and understood if you talk about the things that are upsetting you as well as figure out the things that make your anxiety worse.

Helps Make Changes

It may feel wonderful to talk things out and let off steam, but having a counselor who can help you make adjustments is an extra advantage of the relationship. You may begin the process of resolving your anxiety or depression by engaging in consistent conversation and gaining a deeper understanding of it.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.