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Making Cents of Moving: Relocating Your Bank

Written by Jimmy Rustling

No matter if it’s an upgrade or an institute’s main office making the company move, changing the location of your bank is a hassle. There are so many delicate objects to move that you know you’re going to need a very sensitive-minded person to show you the way. Thankfully, your movers are easy to research. Find the best ones on your block, and let’s talk moving a bank.

Moving Money

Actual paper funds should be moved by someone certified to do so. Whether this person is your mover or a money-moving specialist, whomever you choose will be right for you. Many moving companies will not move large amounts of paper funds without a great deal of paperwork. This, of course, is for the benefit of the client (in this case, the bank) in case anything were to arrive in less-than-perfect condition.

If your plans are still up in the air regarding the movement of your cash on hand, we recommend speaking with your moving company regarding what it can do for you. If the company can’t move your assets, it knows someone who can.

Certified Deposits (CDs)

CDs can consist of many different types of items. Most of these are comfortably handled by your average mover on a day-to-day basis: jewelry, stocks, bonds, and other non-cash items of high value. The one place where things may become a little foggy is legal documentation.

In some states, clients may need to sign waivers to move their documentation with a moving company. They may also be required to have prior notice within a specific time period. Though most moving companies are very comfortable with these documents, they do require some specialized handling if they are older or being moved outside of typical CD storage equipment.

Specialized Machinery

ATMs, chutes, teller stations—all of these specialized machines and computer hardware need to be moved. They keep the bank going when the doors are opened. However, moving these very special pieces of equipment may be pretty difficult to do.

If your machinery is bolted down or requires special installers to remove the equipment, be certain to schedule this well ahead of your move. You may also choose to have your movers come to inspect the piece. If they can’t move it, they can tell you this during their inspection visit. This should be far enough ahead of your moving date that you can make special plans for any sensitive equipment.

Movers may also be able to move large office equipment for you. Simply ask during their inspection of the premises, and they will give you a list of the items you will need a specialist to work with.


Though banks are usually the sort of business field that incredibly logical people choose, there still may be particularly sentimental office keepsakes. The first dollar ever deposited is a commonly framed item. Perhaps the founder has a portrait or picture on the wall. Some banks even keep special mementos from their departed clients. That’s all very sweet, but how do you find a way to move these items and ensure their safety?

When moving precious items like these, special packaging can be requested prior to the move date. Each company has its own term limit, so be certain to ask when you book your move. Mention these items specifically, and the company will inform you as to which items it can handle and which it cannot.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.