Good experience

How to Boost Employee Engagement in Your Business

Written by Jimmy Rustling

You can say that starting a business requires financial and material capital but it’s human capital that makes the most of these. Without the best talents on board, your business could barely expand. After all, it’s quality people who produce high-quality output. The least you could do is to deprive them of opportunities to grow and engage with your brand’s mission. You need to have a clear employee engagement program that puts people at the heart of your entire operation.

You can’t keep hiring new employees and have no qualms about a high employee turnover rate. Doing this will only slow your business down and introduce inefficiencies that will hinder your business. Since it costs less to keep existing employees, you might as well look for ways to improve, inspire, encourage, and cater to the needs of your team. Here’s how to do it:

1. Champion transparency and accountability

There’s no denying the benefits that open communication brings to any organization. Regardless of your industry, you need to develop a culture of trust and cohesion that allows employees to feel respected. 

For this reason, consider creating an open-door policy that invites anyone to talk to the management about the problems and issues they encounter on the ground. You can also arrange monthly town hall meetings and ensure transparency by using a paystub maker and keeping employees informed of corporate decisions.

2. Provide opportunities for professional growth

Employees also respond well to opportunities that allow them to advance in their chosen roles. They are likely to leave a company no matter how skilled they are if they feel as though the organization is taking them for granted. When you recognize great potential in your employees, provide them the avenue to tap into it and excel. 

Have them represent your company in workshops and conferences and support their need to undergo continuous education. In addition, boost their technical and soft skills by organizing training and upskilling sessions. This way, you will have a ready source of supervisors, specialists, and managers as you avoid hiring ones who are unfamiliar with your company’s culture.

3. Incentivize triumphs

Employees become more productive when the management rewards them for major accomplishments. Whether your IT team has completed an internal team management system or your sales reps have closed their 100th deal, consider providing them with incentives relative to the value they bring to your organization. 

Go beyond hosting pizza parties and take your employees for an out-of-town respite or karaoke night. It also helps if you offer them monetary rewards on top of commissions and other existing benefits as your way of acknowledging their desire to go the extra mile. When done right, an incentive scheme will bring out the best of your employees.

4. Improve the work environment

Much of your employees’ motivation stems from the kind of environment they work in. With cubicles being found inefficient and open workspaces making distractions more likely, you will need to revise the workplace’s layout in ways that inspire collaboration and creativity without restricting productivity. 

Opt for dedicated workspaces that provide employees with ample space for personalization. It’s also important to build amenities such as a recreation room and ensure that the work environment gets ample amounts of natural light which is found to positively impact employee motivation.

5. Provide mentorship

Good business leaders are those who understand the difference between micromanagement and mentorship. Employees are turned off by leaders who constantly hover over them as though these leaders don’t trust them enough to do a good job. Instead of doing this, approach employees with the intent of sharing tips and advice that will help them become more independent and dedicated to their jobs.


For your business to grow beyond its current limits, you need employees that match your enthusiasm and vision. Consider these tips and raise a dedicated team that will push you past your peak.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.