
How to Choose the Right Divorce Mediator in New York

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Selecting the proper mediator significantly affects the success of the mediation and your satisfaction with its outcome. A competent mediator helps you and your partner converse rather than just argue, enabling you to reach agreement on the terms of your divorce. 

A competent mediator (such as the professionals at Safdar Law & Mediation Group in New York) also maintains a productive pace, so you and your spouse don’t dwell unnecessarily on topics you’ve already covered and so you can finish the sessions in a timely way. Those qualities; the ability to facilitate conversation and the ability to maintain pace, are just a few of the marks of a good mediator.

Verify Credentials and Experience

Choose a mediator who is not only qualified but also well-versed in the particulars of family law and divorce mediation. You want professionals who have been certified by organizations of repute, such as the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation, or the Academy of Professional Family Mediators. 

A strong, solid background in family law, psychology, or social work is a huge bonus; these fields offer not just a foundation but also a platform for understanding the kind of legal and familial dynamics that divorce cases entail.

Specialization in Divorce Mediation

Not all mediators focus on divorce cases. Thus, it is essential to make sure that the mediator you choose has ample experience in dealing with matters related to divorces and that he or she is familiar with the kinds of issues that come up in such cases including child custody, division of assets, and spousal support. 

Ideally, the mediator should have substantial knowledge of not only federal divorce law but also the array of specific statutes, precedents, and kinds of cases that make up the law of divorce in New York. This is where Safdar Law & Mediation Group in New York really shine for their clients. 

Neutrality and Impartiality

A mediator is effective when they are neutral and do not favor one side over the other. They must facilitate discussions that are fair and balanced and that allow both parties an opportunity to air their grievances. 

When choosing a mediator, you might ask potential candidates how they maintain neutrality, especially in situations where there are imbalances of power between the parties.

Communication Style and Conflict Resolution Skills

Effective communication is essential for mediators. They must be able to guide discussions in a calm and constructive manner so that the real issues can be identified and resolved. 

It is not good enough for a mediator just to understand the parties involved; a good mediator must also understand the conflict itself and use that understanding, along with active listening and empathy, to help the parties involved find a common direction.

Safdar Law & Mediation Group in New York Can Help Make Your Divorce as Amenable as Possible 

Choosing a divorce mediator in New York means looking closely at a person’s credentials, how long they’ve been in practice, and their way of communicating. You also need to consider how much they charge and when. Making the right choice can really help you to get a handle on the entire divorce process, and letting you get back to your life and your new start as quickly as possible.


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.