
Is The Gambling Scene in Canada Set to Change in 2025?

Written by Jimmy Rustling

The gambling industry in Canada has always been an adaptable one. Since the first online sportsbooks and casinos emerged in the mid-1990s, the country’s authorities have placed restrictions on the practice. Online gambling remained outlawed in many provinces. Ontario only legalized play in 2022, while other areas are largely closed off. It’s a fluid situation that changes constantly, but what developments can the industry look forward to in 2025?

New Technologies

Players in Canada can expect to see greater input from new technologies. Across the global gambling industry, operators are looking at artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality to enhance the playing experience. To a certain extent, all three of these systems are already in place. AI is there to suggest new games to players and, while this will continue, those suggestions will become more accurate.

In terms of VR and AR, certain games have already been released, while many more are in the production stage. Until now, live casino rooms have offered the most realistic experience, but the new technologies provide something far better. Both virtual reality and augmented reality can take players right into the heart of the action. The systems can provide genuine game changers in the industry, and their impact is set to be felt in Canada and beyond.

Increasing Numbers of Operators and Offers for Players

2024 was an important year for the Canadian gambling industry. Two years after Ontario opened up to online operators, the impact on revenue figures started to show. In terms of income, the decision has certainly been justified. Canada’s gambling industry is expected to go from strength to strength over the next few months, and what makes it stand out from the rest is that many of the best online casinos in Canada are providing players with enticing bonuses to get them a step ahead of the competition. 

Responsible Play

Discussions among industry experts suggest that there will be more of an emphasis on responsible gambling from 2025. While systems exist to protect players, it’s felt that these can be enhanced, with additional tools ready to help out. This is an area where artificial intelligence can provide enhanced help. It’s said that the technology can identify potential issues more quickly and those that need assistance are picked out at an earlier stage.

In 2025, this is another way in which AI can boost the gambling industry in Canada, while responsible play, as a whole, is set to tighten up.

Improved Advertising 

While there may be more Canadian-based sports betting and casino sites appearing in 2025, there is an ongoing question about how they attract customers. Direct advertising is outlawed, and that can hamper growth. Those inside the industry suggest that gambling companies based in Canada will start to build closer relationships with affiliates. An affiliate promotes a company and directs customers to the platform.

In time, this could potentially lead to wider promotion, with the potential for advertising and sponsorship deals. The industry is a long way from that point, but 2025 may see the first steps along the way. This is another area where Ontario has opened up possibilities. The revenue figures are seriously impressive, and it’s natural that operators and regulators will assess ways in which they can drive more income.

Opening Up

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of Ontario’s decision to allow online gambling from 2022. The Province helped to boost revenue figures significantly, and there’s no sign of income slowdown anytime soon. At the end of 2024, Ontario was considering whether to expand further by allowing residents to play poker and other casino games with individuals outside of Canada. The question also extends to Daily Fantasy sites. At present, Ontarians are not permitted to mix with pools of players from outside the country.

A change in the law could produce additional revenue streams, and it’s a subject that remains under discussion. Elsewhere, there is ongoing speculation as to whether another province will follow Ontario’s lead and implement a fully regulated gambling market. Currently, in Alberta, residents can only access one licensed operator. It’s a similar situation in Manitoba where the only available platform is run by the provincial government. 

It is possible for many Canadians to visit offshore sites that provide services here, but it means that money is heading out of the country. With Ontario proving that significant revenue can be drawn from a licensed and regulated gambling sector, it may only be a matter of time before other provinces open up. One thing is certain and it’s that 2025 will be another important year for the gambling industry in Canada. As the 12 months progress, players can expect to see new technologies having an added impact, with artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality under the spotlight. 

In terms of licensing and regulation, things are less clear. Ontario’s decision to allow online gambling from 2022 has largely been a success, and there is talk of others following suit. It will certainly be a fascinating year with many changes set to transform the sector.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.