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How Can I Make My Multivitamins Taste Better?

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Multivitamins are integral in filling the nutritional gaps in our diets. They are necessary to ensure our bodies are in the best form possible, so a daily or regular intake is required.

There are many ways in which we can ingest these vitamins. They may be healthy but often not pleasant to take, so finding a comfortable or even enjoyable way to take them is paramount.

In their natural form, vitamins and minerals have intense flavors that may not appeal to your taste buds.

To overcome this hurdle, you can employ the following strategies to have better-tasting multivitamins.

1. Use Gummy Multivitamins

These multivitamins are flavored like candy. They are delicious that you almost forget you are taking multivitamins. They provide you with the missing vitamins in your diet in a great-tasting package.

Although gummy bears have such a nice taste, they contain many fillers leading to a low vitamin density. They also have a high sugar content which appeals to kids. The only downside, children may not follow the recommended dose and end up not getting the benefits.

2. Unflavoured Vitamin Powders

There are a variety of multivitamin powders that you can use to supplement your diet. To ensure you are not affected by the taste, go for the unflavored powders. You can add them to your favorite drinks, and you will barely feel their taste.

Their powder form makes it easy to add them to meals, such as cereals and oatmeal, without affecting the taste of the food.  You can take your vitamins while enjoying the flavors of your favorite drinks and foods.

3. Unflavoured Liquid Vitamins

Unflavoured liquid multivitamins are a great option, as you can add them to almost everything. There are plenty of reasons why tasteless liquid vitamins are big on the market at the moment. You can control the flavor of these liquid vitamins by adding just a few drops of them to your favorite drinks. What’s more, they are easily absorbed and have the option of mixing with almost anything. You get your nutrients without having to suffer through the unpleasant taste some vitamins may have.

4. Use Flavored Liquid Multivitamins

Many supplement manufacturers use natural and artificial flavors to add taste to their formulas to mask the taste of vitamins and minerals. These liquid multivitamins come with great fruity tastes ranging from citrus to berries.

In some of the products, you will only taste the added flavor so that you can choose your favorite from the wide range of flavors. The infusion of these great tastes makes taking vitamins both healthy and pleasant.

There are various ways to make your multivitamins pleasant to take. You can either get:

  • Gummy multivitamins
  • Unflavored vitamin powders or
  • Unflavoured liquid vitamins.

Liquid multivitamins provide the ideal solutions as they have no fillers. They have a high concentration value and can merge with many ingredients to give you a better taste for your multivitamins.


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.