It is very likely that you are restricted somewhat when it comes to advertising because of the amount of budget that is currently available to you. This doesn’t stop you from wanting the best results however and you want to get the best return on your investment that is available. There are many tools out there that you can use to drive traffic towards your business website, to increase upon conversions and to grow your business and one of them is pay-per-click advertising. If you are unfamiliar with this then you should know that it is online advertising that you place on the popular search engine results pages.
The main selling point is that you only pay when someone clicks on your advertising and so even though the purpose is to get people to do so, even if they don’t, they are still seeing your business name and brand constantly and this is something that will stick in the back of our minds. In order to take advantage of such a tool you need to engage with the people at King Kong who know and understand about PPC and they can point you in the right direction so that your business succeeds.
The following are some of the top reasons why pay-per-click will be perfect for your business in 2024 and the years following.
- You set the budget – When you use any other kind of advertising, there is a certain price that is offered and that’s all you get. The beauty of pay-per-click is that you can be in control of your budget and so it doesn’t matter if you are a large enterprise or a small corner shop because you can always change your budget depending on your spending limits at any given time.
- You only pay when they click – As was touched on briefly before, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad and so this provides you with the perfect opportunity to convert them into a paying customer. With all other types of advertising, you have to pay for the ad no matter if it’s reaching out to the correct demographic that you are looking for and if nobody contacts you as a result then you still have to pay.
- You gain an edge over competition – It’s likely that your much larger competitor is spending a lot more money on digital marketing and so you will probably find them at the top of the popular search engine rankings but this doesn’t mean that you lose out. Just because your business website doesn’t feature on the first page, pay-per-click still allows you to promote your business and so it is perfect for businesses just starting off. If you’re focusing on eCommerce, using amazon ppc services can help boost visibility and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Another selling point is that you can feature a certain ad and see if that works and if it doesn’t then your digital marketing agency can make the changes and try something else that may be better.