How often do consumers discover that a company’s brand doesn’t match their corporate culture? From some of the top Silicon Valley corporations to very successful start-ups and even top influencer brands with millions of followers, there can be a disconnect between what is marketed and the reality of what it’s like to work there.
At New World Allstar (NWA), we maintain a work and learning environment aligned with the values and practices our spiritual coaches teach. Our experience has been that empowering people to be strong, autonomous Masters has been nothing but good for business. New World Allstar’s reputation precedes itself, and we encourage our students to live their lives in a very similar, independent manner.
A Workplace Culture of Growth
The NWA workplace and teaching culture is a culture of releasing limitations and dependency on teachers and gurus. Yes, we do inspire our students to seek the best spiritual direction when obtaining human aspirations and overcoming worldly challenges. And no, we don’t encourage the over 7,000 students who have been transformed through our program of inner harmony to become trapped in a mindless trajectory of blindly following any path to self-mastery.
This may sound like a bad business plan. Why would we encourage people to leave the nest when we could create systems to keep you in our paid coaching program? The very fact that our leadership openly asks this question speaks volumes to their core beliefs. A workplace culture that embraces NWA spiritual laws and transcendental thinking has been the foundation of our success at New World Allstar.
Our Winning Formula is TRUST
New World Allstar is a global leader in life coaching, and we’ve pioneered a unique offering of Twin Flame and Law of Attraction principles that transcend conventional coaching methodologies. From the beginning, NWA consciously decided to avoid the typical business-to-consumer service model, which emphasizes taking and profiting. Our winning formula is built on the TRUST that has been won by our founder, who is driven by a vision of a world where individuals thrive in their external pursuits while being profoundly aligned with their inner selves.
Again, our business model is the exact opposite of what you find from other service providers. We believe that the more you give, the more you get. We trust the abundance of the Universe to bring new seekers of truth to our door. Our winning formula is encouraging autonomy and Self-mastery combined with this trust!
As a recognized leader in Twin Flame Coaching, NWA cultivates independent thinking and spiritually empowered mastery of self. It is central to our principle of self-empowerment that TRUST leads our organization, and we follow through with the recognition that each and every client is an independent navigator of their success and spiritual enrichment.