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How the race toward streaming affects young families

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Broadcast television. That term sounds almost archaic now. The concept of sitting down in the family room and browsing through channels to see what is on now feels like a distant memory for many individuals and families, especially in the younger generations.

Now, it is all about streaming. No more pulling out the weekly printout of the tv guide. No more watching the programming channel on cable waiting to see what interesting shows, movies, or sporting events scroll past to tell us what channel to flip to. The on-demand status of streaming platforms has shoved aside traditional methods of watching television and led to a new era in entertainment. Netflix launched its streaming service in 2007, creating a cascade of other companies following that quickly followed suit. Today, you can access over 200 streaming platforms. Even CNN has launched its own service!

This trend has changed the landscape of consuming entertainment, especially for young families. So what are some of the effects this new era has had on parents and their children?

More parental control options

Platforms like Netflix, Disney Plus, and Hulu have huge libraries of on-demand content that children can access. But the account settings allow parents to have more direct control over what their little ones can watch. While traditional television allowed for some control, it was an imperfect system. Many streaming services let you choose exactly what types of content can be viewed by children, with passwords protecting separate accounts or profiles for kids and adults. Parents who are concerned about exposing their children to inappropriate themes can feel more secure about what kids are watching at all times. Online safety is an important topic in today’s world, and streaming platforms are helping to address this issue with more parental control options.

Content on-the-go

Mobility has become a focus of our technology as the demand for connectivity increases. Now, consuming content while traveling is much easier than even just 5 years ago. Let’s say you are on a long drive with energetic kids in the back of the car. Using devices like ipads, combined with streaming platforms, could entertain those kids for hours with tv shows and movies during the trip. Additionally, devices like a Firestick or Roku means you can bring your entertainment with you and plug it into any smart tv. Other programs can be installed directly onto your devices, such as Kodi and its growing list of add-ons, to make streaming possible on phones, tablets, and computers. Providing entertainment for children is becoming easier and more accessible with the streaming race.

Not just movies and tv, but music too!

While streaming content like movies or tv for your kids engages more of their senses, the growth of music streaming is important too. For those with babies or toddlers, music is proven to enhance development. Since that is the case, parents can take advantage of newfound accessibility through streaming platforms like Spotify to help their young children experience more auditory stimuli to help their mind expand.

Growing library of children’s content

As mentioned before, programming for television was all scheduled, so finding the right shows or movies for children meant having them watch tv at certain times of the day or buying things on dvd/vhs. However, with streaming platforms creating huge libraries of children’s content, the number of options is growing. Since streaming is on-demand and makes finding content easy with a quick search, parents can locate age-appropriate entertainment at the push of a few buttons. No more scheduling the day around what time a certain kid’s show is on, and no more digging through the drawer of dvds to find the right one. Just turn on the television or device, open the streaming platform, and hit “continue watching.”

Helpful algorithms

One area that might confound new parents is how to find great content for their children in the first place. Fortunately, most streaming platforms offer complex algorithms that will do the work for you. After watching a few tv shows or movies, the platform will learn what kind of content interests the viewer and then make similar suggestions. It could show up under a category like “based on your preferences” or “other shows like fill-in-the-blank.” These features can be super helpful when kids finish watching a show or movie and are looking for something new, (though we all know that younger kids will watch the same thing over and over again, loving it every time).

Streaming has made content customizable and convenient

At the end of the day, these platforms give parents more control and peace of mind about the content that children are consuming. With more parental control settings, vast libraries of age-appropriate entertainment, and increased mobility, young families can customize their television, movie, and music experiences to suit their exact preferences. As online safety and privacy measures continue to improve, and streaming platforms gain more helpful features, parents will feel secure as their children navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.