
The Art of Playing Jackson Electric Guitars: Techniques And Tips

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Musicians are always looking to expand their skills. Whether they have been playing for a month or a decade, they can always learn something new. The following techniques and tips are ones any guitarist can try to improve their sound and playing ability.

Hammer-ons and Pull-offs

Specialty guitar stores may offer unique modifications for a Jackson electric guitar. Before investing in one of these modifications, the guitarist should try hammer-ons and pull-offs to create fluidity in their playing. Hammering the fingertip onto a string produces a note much like plucking the string with a guitar pick would. Pull-offs produce notes when the guitarist lifts their finger off the string. Musicians often find these techniques difficult to master initially, but their playing improves significantly once they get the hang of them. They can transition between notes seamlessly.


George Harrison of The Beatles is known for sliding, and many guitarists want to learn from his example. This technique adds dimension to any guitarist’s repertoire and gives them a unique solo sound. Guitarists can smoothly transition between notes, add vibrato, or emphasize particular notes when playing solo. Musicians must master this technique to ensure they don’t slide too little or too far. For those who have been playing the guitar for a while, it may be time to try playing a bottleneck or finger slide, two styles popular in blues and country. Most guitarists start with the ascending slide before moving to the descending one. When they master these techniques, they move on to more advanced ones.


Every guitarist should learn to play vibrato to add depth and emotion to their music. The subtle movement of a finger or tremolo arm creates a unique sound that adds expression and character to a single note. If their instrument has a whammy bar, the musician may use it to vibrate. However, this technique is mastered over time. The guitarist must start slowly and learn to produce a consistent vibrato before increasing the speed and intensity. They must also build finger strength and coordination by practicing on different frets and strings. Musicians often find they can pick up one style easily but must work to improve on others.


Every person wishing to play lead guitar should master double stops. Fortunately, they aren’t complicated. The musician plays two notes or strings simultaneously. Double stops differ from chords in that only two notes are played simultaneously rather than three. They add color and variation to the rhythm when playing solos. However, they must be played within a scale or key to ensure they don’t clash with backing music. Musicians often find the barre technique efficient because they use one finger to press on two strings simultaneously. They can also use other methods to improve the sound. However, musicians should try other guitar fingerings to find those they enjoy the most and ones that will enhance their sound. Double stops are ideal for old-style rock and roll and blues pieces,


Most great guitarists use arpeggios to create fluid sounds. They add color and complexity to any musical piece, but the average musician may hesitate to try them. This technique involves nothing more than separating the notes of a chord rather than playing them simultaneously. A guitarist should choose an open-position cord to practice separating the notes. Many people choose to do them in order initially and mix the notes as they gain more experience.

These are only a few tips and techniques a guitarist may use to improve their sound. There are countless others they may wish to try, but the important thing is to keep learning and experimenting with new things. Men and women who do so will find that their sound improves naturally.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.