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Successful Online Marketing Strategies To Try in 2022

Written by Jimmy Rustling

There’s little doubt that digital marketing is a must for any organisation, no matter what field it works in. What digital marketing tactics and techniques can we learn from larger (richer) enterprises?

During the epidemic, several businesses have recognized the need for digital marketing to attract new consumers.

Why? Because digital marketing allows us to get right up close and personal with our consumers. With the increased use of digital marketing data, tools, analytics, and software, it’s easier than ever to track real-world customer behaviour…and address it! The potential for organisations to acquire valuable insights into customers’ feelings has grown as a result of internet marketing.

What is Digital Marketing Today?

Internet marketing is the process of attracting new customers to your company through the internet, social media sites, websites, emails, and all of our electronic gadgets.

Today’s marketing is all about connecting with your potential customers in the proper location and at the ideal time, gaining their trust, and establishing a relationship. You’ll want to utilise social media as a platform for your brand’s message, educating them about the newest trends and then positioning your company as a solution to their problems.

1. Combine the two disciplines of SEO and content marketing

As most agencies like Bulldog Digital Media know, SEO is not a new idea. For a long time, SEO has focused on the use of keywords and code. Google’s algorithms have improved. While SEO is ineffectual, we’ve discovered that combining SEO and Content Marketing is one of the most powerful marketing trends we’ll see in 2022.

The most essential metrics in today’s Google algorithm are all concerned with content (even Google concedes this). The greatest technique to improve your content is by combining elements of various sorts (visuals, text, video, infographics, and audio). When compared to the use of a single sort of content, the synergy of diverse types outperforms it.

According to HubSpot statistics, producing at least once a week is necessary for ROI, and the return on investment plummets when you publish less frequently. However, it’s not all about quantity vs. quality; rather, it’s all about ensuring that you get the right mix of both.

Valuable content

The aim is to make your material entertaining, instructive, and empathetic. The majority of search results, in addition to Google’s knowledge graph, include valuable information that addresses the query or request directed to the search engine. The user experience is also intended to pique interest, such as email subscriptions, sharing, comments, and other actions that contribute to the ROI.

Original content

You have the option of including textual, video, or audio material in your message. When you decide to utilise one or all of these digital content, make sure it is top-notch and unique. If you can’t come up with compelling, unique, and high-quality material on your own, you may hire a professional to create it for your website and social media platforms. It’s here that you’ll need a particularly robust content marketing strategy, which has never been required previously.

Appropriate content

As you can see from this infographic from Occam’s Razor (such a sharp guy!), the most frequent swimming hair colours are blonde and black. You must develop material that’s appropriate for each stage of the conversion process (and your metrics must correspond to your intended result).

2. Make an effort to maintain a visible presence on social media platforms that are relevant to your business.

Every business, particularly in today’s digital climate, needs to be seen online. It’s one of the most effective strategies to stand out from the competition.

As a result, you must establish a presence on social media sites that are relevant to your company. There are a lot of social media platforms on the market, but you must pick where your clients spend the majority of their time and target them there. Pick the most relevant ones and set up an internet presence for them.

3. Optimise Your Website for Mobile-Friendly Browsing

To ensure that your content is mobile-friendly, make sure your website and social networking sites are mobile-friendly on both desktop computers and smartphones. Customers are increasingly using their cell phones and tablets to access the internet.

To be open to everyone, it’s critical to make your website and information as scalable as possible. Make the most of the most recent designs and colour schemes to improve your website.

4. Use the Correct Tools

Search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), social media, and so on are all types of online marketing that target a variety of outlets.

To guarantee that your marketing mix is effective, you’ll need the right digital marketing tools to create successful initiatives. You must also learn how to utilise them and apply what you’ve learned in the proper context.

5. Be a Master of Design

Design is at the centre of digital marketing’s success. Whether you’re developing a website, a landing page, or an image for your site, ad, or infographic, it all starts with design. You’ll need a lot of design talent. Even if you’re not a design pro, there are several tools available.


You may put up photos taken by yourself or licensed. Even if you have no prior experience with layout or typefaces, the templates on Canva can help you create beautiful pictures. They’re constantly coming up with fresh ideas and technologies, such as infographic templates and so on to assist you.


It’s true, Photoshop is a great design program, but it has a high cost. Fortunately, if you’re enrolled in school and using the Creative Cloud for your studies, you may get all of it for as little as $29 per month. It used to be more difficult to work with Photoshop in the past, but there are plenty of YouTube tutorials and the program has really tiny micro lessons if you hover over the buttons.


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.