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Dedicated Servers Sales | How to Find Discounts

Written by Jimmy Rustling

A dedicated server is a physical machine suitable for sites with high traffic and projects where unique server settings or high computing power of equipment are required. The hardware configuration is selected by the client depending on his needs. It’s much more profitable for people to use such a server than to create their own. Regular rent payments for website owners cannot be compared with the one-time costs of purchasing equipment and providing conditions for uninterrupted operation – production facilities, ventilation and ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply.

Pros and Cons

The advantage of a dedicated server is complete freedom in the choice of software. Unlike virtual hosting, the server allows you to install any software and even modify the operating systems. Besides, dedicated servers have the following pros:

  • High traffic and performance. Your Internet project will be able to withstand a heavy load.
  • The possibility to have individual server settings. The client can independently select many parameters, such as the processor, the amount of RAM, etc.
  • High level of security. The site will be virtually invulnerable to any hacker attacks. All communications in the data center are duplicated. During the prevention or emergency situation, the server will not be idle.
  • Longer operation time as you rarely meet any software errors. So, you shouldn’t care that a server may stop working one day.
  • Access to the web resource from any place.

It’s also vital to underline that you can control server operation and get access to absolutely all resources. Besides, there is a kind of independent management of the security system. Plus, the size and complexity of web projects may be limited only by the physical capabilities of your server.

Among the disadvantages, one can name the fact that renting real servers is much more expensive than virtual ones. Of course, you need to have enough money to meet all your requirements or just regularly check the sale conditions. It isn’t difficult to find an affordable dedicated server if you know some market tips and choose the appropriate time. Many site owners save their money, because they’re waiting for some special offers or just holidays. It’s a smart decision as you can spend more on your platform development and updates.

Discounts and Sales

There are many ways to save your money while purchasing a dedicated server. Generally, some hosting providers offer discounts by themselves. You just need to look for the SALE section on the site. It’s up to their interest as it helps to increase the amount of income and attract more clients. While surfing the Net, it’s better to choose the cheapest dedicated server hosting and find an appropriate offer. Discounts can reach up to 30-50%. As a result, it leads to many dedicated server deals that are made immediately. Customers appreciate an opportunity to get what they want and save their budget.

Some sales happen on special days. Such events are often connected with different holidays or specific dates. For example, it can be a company birthday or New Year. A cheap dedicated server might be easily found at that time. People start to look for the best offers and compare all available products. A lot of buzz is made about Black Friday. It’s time when customers go mad and waste money without thinking. A Black Friday dedicated server significantly decreases in price, so many site owners wait for this day.

Final Thoughts

When choosing a dedicated server, don’t run ahead. It can lead to many financial problems and reflects on your total budget. Smart customers always examine the market and wait for some profitable offers. Sales and discounts often appear, so there is no need to overpay. Moreover, a dedicated server is ideal for hosting and working with databases. It’s physically protected from strangers, and the access is granted by your administrator. The relocation of the server consists only in downloading the backup and placing it elsewhere. As a result, if you find a sale, don’t wait and use the advantage. Perhaps, just in a few days, you won’t have such an opportunity, that’s the point.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.