Good experience Lifestyle

5 Tips for Extending the Life of Your Aircon Filter

Written by Jimmy Rustling

If it comes to climate control inside your home or working environment, the role of air conditioning is quite crucial. However, for it to work efficiently, certain measures have to be implemented, and one of them is checking the filter of the aircon. If it is ignored, your cooling system becomes weak and develops high electricity bills, and in extreme cases, a spoiled HVAC system. If you are struggling with the issue of aircon filters not working properly, these are the tips that will help you extend the lifespan of your aircon filters. Below are the following tips for making an aircon filter last longer.

  • Regular Inspection and Cleaning

That, however, has to be one of the simplest and most effective methods that almost anyone can use to attain the longer durability of an aircon filter. Make a routine and perform a filter check at least once a month, especially when the usage of the filter is high, as during summer. Filters used over time begin collecting dust, allergens, and other materials and particles, which end up blocking the system, hence decreasing the efficiency. To keep it working effectively and serve for a longer time, one has to check on it occasionally and use vacuuming or wash it with water.

  • Select Your Desired Type of Filter

Deciding on the right filter which will be suitable for use purposes is therefore very crucial. Vent filters are varied in terms of materials and ratings, which makes them suitable for different areas and traffic loads. For instance, while HEPA filters provide high levels of filtration efficiency as compared to the other types of filters, their mesh size is smaller and may thus require replacement often. On the other hand, there are pleated filters that tend to have a longer working period while at the same time ascertaining the aspect of efficiency in the filtering process. Heating and cooling experts are always the best to advise which filter best suits your needs with the prospect of getting the best out of one that is being used.

  • Optimise Your Air Conditioning Usage

Its operation shows that there is a way in which the treatment of an air conditioner affects the lifespan of an aircon filter. Even if the temperatures outside are sweltering, do not set the air conditioning system to work at its optimum capacity; this only hastens the materials clogging the filters. Try to avoid the extreme set the temperature at a normal level and switch off the system so that the filter does not have to strain itself as well as the HVAC unit. Also, one should always use ceiling fans or any other functional form of venting so that the circulation of air is regulated and not exclusively left to the air conditioning units.

  • Ensure Proper Installation

As long as any aircon system filter is installed properly, one will not see it get damaged before its time. A seemingly simple operation like the installation can be the reason for entire sections where there are no filters and, in turn, make the overall filter system almost useless. To ensure that the filtered air is secure, there should be a definite clearance between the filter and its housing, and there should not be any distortion or breakage of the filter. It might be advisable to consult a professional to help in installation for any uncertainties regarding the correct procedure.

  • Replace When Necessary

However, the optimum usage of an aircon unit does not eliminate the need for changing its filters periodically. It is important to note the time to replace a filter to keep your air conditioning system in the best possible condition. Generally, one is advised to change it every one to three months depending on the usage, environmental conditions, and the type of filter. You should consider replacing your filter when it is dirty, when the air circulating has reduced flow, or when there is an awful smell within the room from the vents. Having a spare filter ready would guarantee that when the need arises, the filter is changed immediately.


By paying attention to the filter of the air conditioner, you will notice that you get to have quality air inside your house, less spending on power, and also the system of getting a new air conditioner will be a long one. These strategies can include aspects such as general inspections, erecting proper installation processes, the right usage of the item, and regular replacements. If you are having trouble searching for air filters in Australia, it would be smarter to hire HVAC services for advice depending on your requirements.

But your aircon filters aren’t working properly is an indication that it is time to evaluate the situation and add some years to your filter. With such tips, one is capable of having a home environment that is cool, clean, and more efficient with or without any season.


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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.