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9 Things Nobody Tells You About Renovating Your Kitchen

Written by Jimmy Rustling

The kitchen is known to be the busiest part of the house. That high activity can result in wearing down the overall look of the kitchen itself. Looking for a solution to this? You can renovate your kitchen to restore it to its former glorious look, or give it a whole new look and style instead. But a renovation project is exhausting and expensive. Not to mention, the inconvenience it will bring to your family and daily routines. By shutting down the kitchen, you will lose access to cooking daily meals, to give way for the renovation. Here are nine things that you should know about when renovating your kitchen.

The expenses

Nothing is cheap when it comes to renovating. That’s why others chose to do renovations on their own or the Do It Yourself process to save on expenses. Did you know that DIY projects cost more than those done by professionals? Yes, lacking knowledge on the subject of renovating will result in a costly mess. Let the professionals from a home remodeling company handle the renovation projects as they are more skilled and knowledgeable.

Have another source of food

As mentioned earlier, when the kitchen is isolated to give way for the renovation, you must have an alternative way of providing meals for your family. Stock up on groceries and canned goods.

The overall aesthetics

Choosing countertops, cabinets and even shelves is all part of the renovation project. These will contribute to the overall look of your kitchen and give it that fresh, new look.

Install just the essentials

Don’t go overboard with the renovation and install useless or unnecessary fixtures. Just put in those that you think will be used daily, such as an acrylic kitchen splashback

Stick with the design

After discussing the desired outcome for your kitchen with your contractor, you now have to agree upon a plan. Don’t change the whole plan in the middle of the renovation. Just stick to what you have and work your way through it.

Consider a temporary stay

Renovations can take weeks, sometimes months of work to be finished. The noise of the construction can be unbearable, so it is best to stay somewhere else until the project is completed.

Choose the right fixtures

Choose the right sink, the right countertops, cabinets, and so on. When choosing the right fixtures, you have to ensure that they will fit perfectly in the available space in the kitchen.

Proper ventilation

Air vents prevent smoke from accumulating inside the kitchen area. You could also install windows with either manual window controls or window openers. These will prevent your windows from accidentally closing. They are way more convenient to use, and you can get rid of the foul odours or stench by just leaving the window open.

When doing renovations, it will sometimes end up giving your whole kitchen a new look. Remember that renovations help to accommodate repairs or increase space. Be practical with your decisions, and you will have the perfect kitchen renovation.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.