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An Ultimate Guide on Types of MBA Essay

An essay is paperwork written by a future MBA student. This copy is part of the package of documents that applicants submit to a business school. Most experts agree that essays are the most crucial components of any application. This kind of written work requires a creative answer to the question posed by the educational institution. Although this copy has to be original, it has its goals and particular structure.

The purpose of the essay for the MBA program is to uncover the topic based on arguments, which, in turn, should be reinforced with examples. The typical essay structure includes an introduction (central question, immersion in a situation, quotes, etc.), main part (disclosure of the topic specified in the introduction), and conclusion (lessons learned, outcome, forecasts, etc.).

Within the framework of the text, the future students can not only show how they can correctly and logically express their thoughts but also demonstrate themselves as persons. Any candidate tries to focus on the strengths hand to stand out among competitors for getting a place in the class. In this way, your MBA essay has to be bright, unitary, and vibrant, so that the school staff decides in your favor.

You can ask a custom essay writing service to cope with this assignment. However, it is advised to do it personally. When writing an essay for admission to the MBA program, the candidates have two main tasks to perform:

  • To convince the admissions board that you are worthy of enrollment;
  • To personalize and bring life into applications in order to demonstrate that you are not only the next standard applicant.

So, make sure your essay is really about you. It should give an impression that behind this set of documents is a real person with particular desires, hopes, dreams, goals, and ambitions. The admissions committee should see what motivates you, what distinguishes you from others, and who you want to become. Your priority number one is to explain how much it is vital for you to enter this business school and what you can offer it for your part.

How Many Essays Should You Write?

As a rule, it is necessary to provide from 2 to 12 essays in the package of documents for the MBA program. Their volume varies from 250 to 900 words each. Usually, the larger the number of assigned essays, the more voluminous they are and vice versa. However, some exceptions can be to this rule.

Types of MBA Essays

Three sorts of MBA essays are traditionally distinguished:

  1. Essays for both MBA and Executive MBA programs, which are so-called classic essays on the topic given by the business school;
  2. Essays for Magistracy and Ph.D. (Personal Statement, Statement of Purpose, or Statement of Intent). At the same time, an educational institution can give a specific topic for an essay or ask to tell about your purpose of admission and the reasons for choosing this particular institution and this program.
  3. Essays as part of the application form, which give small-volume answers to the questions in the questionnaire.

Essential Requirements to MBA Essays

The specified volume should not be exceeded, and this recommendation must be respected. Firstly, if you enter an essay in a specialized field, the text above the specified volume can simply be cut off, making it incomplete. Secondly, the commission may conclude that you are not able to adhere to the general rules. Professional essay writing services recommend strictly adhering to a given volume within plus or minus 10% of the specified number of words.

Different educational institutions have specific requirements for the fonts. If they are not stipulated, use the most common fonts. Their size should be at least 10, but not more than 14. Pay also attention if the school has requirements regarding compliance with line spacing.

Consider your style of writing. It is necessary to avoid slang, abbreviations, as well as colloquial and swear words. It is also inadvisable to use professional vocabulary. Such a terminology might be unfamiliar to the representatives of the admissions committee.

Finally, the MBA essay should be based on real-life examples and a specific situation. Abstract and long philosophical reflections are not permissible. Even the cheapest essay writing service can follow basic recommendations.

Five Tips for Those Who Write MBA Essays

  1. The essay must contain the answer to the question raised. Nothing is worse than an “empty” piece of work. So, check yourself by asking someone to read your essay with further guessing what the original question was.
  2. Visit the campus of the given school and try to write about your impressions and what attracted you the most. Share what you learned on campus. Your goal is to demonstrate that you have a good idea of what your life will be like when you begin to study at this institution.
  3. Think about what could emphasize your uniqueness. Perhaps, you have an unusual hobby or work experience. Actually, you can always remember at least five points that set you apart from the crowd.
  4. Do not write about other people in your essay. Even if you are asked to write which of the successful or influential people you would like to have dinner with, always keep the focus on yourself.
  5. Do not praise the school and avoid repetitions. Do not belittle other people or organizations. Do not complain about obstacles in your path, and do not blame others. Do not send standardized letters — this becomes obvious immediately.

Another golden rule for any MBA applicant — don’t lie or exaggerate. You should demonstrate your real personality, as well as your advantages and achievements and your healthy ambitions.

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Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.