Good experience

Going the extra mile! 6 ways to improve your customer service experience

For many customers, the standard of a company’s customer service will make or break their brand loyalty and this is why user experience certainly shouldn’t be overlooked.

If you’re hoping to make big changes but aren’t sure where to start, keep reading for 6 effective tips to turn your business into a customer favorite.

6 tips for excellent customer service

Use customer feedback

Acting on customer feedback is one of the best ways to improve your customer’s experience; it can even highlight areas of improvement that you haven’t considered before.

Asking for regular customer feedback is great for gaining inspiration. You should also read your online reviews as they’re often the first contact your potential customers will have with your company when they research.

Blogs, forums and websites for product reviews are online spaces where current and past customers can share their experience with a certain brand or service. They’re a great source for useful hints on areas where you can improve.

Many of the review sites allow you to create a business account where you can respond to comments, help resolve issues and demonstrate that you’re committed to customer support.

Diversify customer support

With so much of our commerce now online, many customers engage with brands through a variety of different channels and your customer support should reflect this.

Ensuring you have easily accessible in-person, telephone, email and social media avenues of customer support ensures consumers get help and advice in a variety of ways, and cuts down on the amount of time it takes to resolve each issue.

Companies are now starting to invest in self-service, or Artificial Intelligence, customer support options that provide customers access to automated help desks around the clock. This has the benefit of reducing the strain on your customer service team during office hours and is a worthwhile option to consider.

Invest in training

Investing in training your customer service staff is a venture that pays for itself.

Taking the time to go over key company processes and important customer service principles with your staff will help them feel better equipped to deal with potential issues.  It will also ensure your customers receive a better service, feeling supported and confident when using your business.

Making sure all of your customer support staff receive the same training ensures that customers always receive the same high standard of assistance, which increases the chances of them becoming repeat customers.

Keep communication clear

If your customers can’t make sense of your store layout or they find your website confusing, they’re more likely to go elsewhere. Therefore, making sure your brand communication is clear will show customers you’re a reliable brand they can trust.

Steps as simple as switching to easy-to-follow store signs, having in-person staff on hand to help and ensuring your website is well-designed will make your business more user-friendly, and reduce the risk of customers being dissatisfied.

Check-in with customers

Checking in with customers will allow you to resolve any problems as they occur, and show them you’re attentive to their needs. For example, reaching out to a customer after they have spoken with a member of your customer service team is a great way to make sure they had a positive experience, and if they feel their problem was resolved appropriately.

Reward or loyalty programs aimed at encouraging repeat purchases, or thanking customers for providing feedback, are popular with consumers, helping to build brand loyalty. Points systems, early access to sales or exclusive birthday discounts are all great options to offer customers.

Frequently reaching out to customers will not only improve awareness of your brand, but it will also ensure they feel supported by your team, too.

Involve your clients

One of the best ways to make great customer service a company focus is to involve customers in all new developments.

Customer experience analytics, market research is a tried and tested method but actively asking clients to participate in company plans or new developments is the best way to make sure you’re creating and delivering products your consumer base will enjoy.

Having detailed customer feedback in the development process will not only reduce the likelihood of issues later on but can also help you to develop a product that better benefits your consumers.

Are you ready to deliver excellent customer service?

Ultimately, businesses that make customer service a key part of their strategy are more likely to develop a good relationship with their consumer base and encourage long-term customers.

By implementing just a few key changes, you’re not only showing existing customers you value their loyalty but you’ll ensure your company has a strong consumer base for the future, too.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.