Anti-Asian hate and violence have been on the rise since last March when Former President Donald Trump first began referring to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus.” In 2020, the group Stop AAPI Hate has received 3,795 reports of racist incidents against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. And then, just last month, eight people including six women of Asian descent were fatally shot in the Atlanta area in an act of targeted racism.
As a country and society, it’s time to learn, heal, and stop Asian hate once and for all. The AAPI community has experienced significant trauma, and this has carried over from their personal lives into their professional lives. To be a better workplace ally, follow these steps and you, too, can stand against Asian hate at your company or organization.
1.Learn more about anti-Asian racism
Anti-Asian racism dates back to the 1850s during the first wave of East Asian immigrants. Throughout U.S. history, there have been hundreds of years of exclusionary policy, and it’s continued to manifest in very specific ways during the pandemic. Acknowledging that anti-Asian racism exists and learning more about how it impacts members of the AAPI community is one way that you can do your part as an ally.
2.Don’t be a bystander
Encourage your workplace to offer bystander intervention training either virtually or in-person. Stop AAPI Hate reported that businesses are the primary site of discrimination (35.4% of hate incidents logged here) followed by public streets (25.3%) and public parks (9.8%).
Understanding how to safely intervene on behalf of another individual when incidents like these happen — no matter how uncomfortable — can truly make a difference in your workplace and community.
3.Donate to national or local organizations
Learning more about anti-Asian racism and reaching out to support people in your community (specifically your workplace) are great ways to move anti-racism forward. However, countless grassroots organizations are also doing tremendous work in the community that requires financial support. If you’re able, donate to national and local organizations that fight this fight every single day.
If you need help knowing who to donate for, check out New York Magazine’s 68 Ways to Donate in Support of Asian Communities.
Final thoughts
Confronting racism starts in environments that hit close to home. As you navigate this time, strive to learn more about the communities and identities your colleagues are a part of, implement bystander training to minimize workplace incidents, and donate to national and local organizations that are fighting racism through activism. Include a diversity calendar into your workforce or company and help spread awareness.