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TSS Visa: Get to Know More About It

Written by Jimmy Rustling

One of the reasons why many people choose to live in Australia is the numerous employment opportunities that abound in the country. Given its strong economy, it makes sense that over 12 million people are employed in the country, and employment rates have steadily grown through the years. If you come from overseas but are interested in working in Australia, you will need to apply for a work visa to gain eligibility. One of the more recent work visas is known as the TSS visa, which was introduced back in 2018.

The Temporary Skills Shortage TSS Visa (Subclass 482) is, as its name suggests, a temporary work visa granted to overseas workers who are sponsored by Australian employers. It was designed for cases when the employer may not be able to find a suitable employee from the local labour market, hence the name temporary skills shortage. If you want to learn more about this type of visa and how you can be eligible for it, continue reading for more information.

TSS Visa System

The TSS Visa essentially grants the holder permission to live in Australia while working a full-time job for a local employer for a set number of years. Before anything else, you need to be sponsored by an Australian employer and meet specific criteria to be eligible for a TSS visa. Typically, that includes two years of work experience, having the skills required by the job, and meeting health and English requirements. As a visa holder, you will be allowed to travel to and from Australia throughout its duration and work for your specific business sponsor.

Applying for a Temporary Skills Shortage TSS Visa can be done in three steps. First, the employer should be a legal and registered establishment in Australia and must apply to be a standard business sponsor (SBS). Next, the said employer must nominate you, the employee, for a specific position in their business. Finally, you will have to fill in the correct paperwork to apply for the visa.

TSS Visa Streams

TSS visas come in three different streams, each of which varies based on the duration of the visa. During your application, you can select from the three based on your employment requirements. You can check out this skilled occupation list to know which classification yours falls under.

1.Short-Term Stream

This stream is applicable for jobs under the Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) and is eligible for up to two years. After this period, you can renew it for two years onshore and possibly another two years offshore.

2.Long-Term Stream

This stream is applicable for jobs under the Regional Occupation List (ROL) or Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). It allows you to work for your employer for a maximum of four years. Three years after this period, you may be eligible to apply for a permanent residency, subject upon the fulfilment of specific criteria and requirements.

3.Labour Agreement Stream

This stream is applicable if you have a labour agreement, which is developed between your employer and the Australian Government Department. It grants you a stay of up to four years, which can vary based on the terms specified in the agreement.

All in all, the TSS visa is a temporary work visa that allows you to live in Australia while working for a local employer for a duration. It requires that a standard business sponsor specifically nominates you and that you meet eligibility criteria.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.