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What You Need to Move from Cigarettes to Pipe Smoking

Pipe smoking has not been a typical activity in most societies for many years. Commonly, it was a ritual reserved for special occasions that involved men. Many prominent people and scholars throughout history smoked pipes as well. From this, we can see that the practice took smoking to a more sophisticated level.

But today, any person can smoke using a pipe if they are tired of using conventional cigarettes. After all, the pipe is still considered to be special and classy especially now that we have e-pipes. A good thing about pipe smoking is that you can change the tobacco content or add more ingredients to make it even better.

For the sake of those who are still wondering what pipe smoking is all about, here is an explanation. It is the use of a specialized tube that allows people to burn tobacco or other substances in an open and wide chamber at the end of the tube. The smoke is inhaled through a mouthpiece at one end of the tube. The electronic e-pipe is many times better because it is neat and easy to use; there is no need to have a match or lighter or struggle to use it. If you would like to start smoking a pipe, we have the right guide for you.

What You Need

  • Pipe – first things first. The pipe is the main tool that you need to start. All you need is this important source to buy a perfect e-pipe that is enjoyable to use. Mostly, these devices are made of wood and specialized metals for aesthetics and functionality. Choose the size and design that suit your needs perfectly. Some prefer short ones while others go for long pipes.
  • Tobacco – just like e-cig users must have e-juice, you need tobacco. It comes in ground or whole form to suit different preferences. A good choice will ensure that you have the best experience, and the secret is going for the brand that smells good to you. If you are buying from a physical shop, it is easy to sniff the tobacco, but online buyers will have to rely on the descriptions. For this reason, only buy from reliable sellers.
  • Pipe cleaners – the more the pipe is cleaned, the better the experience. As a beginner, you must buy these tools and understand the process of cleaning the pipe. They are affordable, and most sellers have them in stock.
  • Tamper nail – during the smoking session, you need to tamp the tobacco into the bowl for heavy and thick smoke. It might come with the pipe, or you might have to buy it separately. Check carefully and ensure that you have one.
  • Pipe organizer or roll – of course, you need some accessories to carry or store your pipe. There are many designs of organizers that you can choose. Ensure that the roll, bag, pipe stand or any other accessory you buy matches the pipe in aesthetics and design.


This guide is helpful for anyone who wants to switch from ordinary cigarettes to a pipe. Beginners will find it invaluable. Follow it to the letter for the best results. One good alternative for tobacco in terms of smoking are this non tobacco pouches.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.