Lifestyle News

How to Set Fundraising Goals That Inspire Your Congregation

Written by Jimmy Rustling

Fundraising for a church can be challenging if the congregation isn’t inspired. Nevertheless, religious organizations must raise funds to continue operating, and donations made through the collection plate may not be enough. Only a tiny percentage of Americans tithe today, so churches must find other ways to raise money. Fortunately, there are steps an organization can take to make the most of fundraising efforts and raise the funds it needs to survive and thrive. 


When fundraising for your church, share how the funds will be used. When the congregation understands the ministry, it will be more inclined to support it. In addition, when a church is transparent about why it is fundraising, people see it as trustworthy. They know the funds are being handled properly, so they feel confident donating in the future. 

Share specifics about the church’s initiatives. Tell the congregation about the mission for the specific funding project. Holding information sessions where members can ask questions and share ideas will lead to more engagement. Show how the funds raised have impacted the lives of others in the community and share these stories online.

Congregations want to see good stewardship regarding their donations, and these stories allow them to see the mission’s goals come to life. Continue providing updates as the project progresses and consider sharing financial statements publicly. A dedicated website page with this information ensures donors can learn more and track the progress of the fundraising campaign. 

Leverage Technology

Digital fundraising efforts allow churches to raise more funds. Many congregants prefer to donate online today, and there are several ways religious organizations can use technology to generate needed funds. Church ecards can be sent to request funds, thank donors for their contributions, and invite people to participate in a fundraising event. Branding the cards and personalizing the message helps to generate additional funds.

Another option is a text-to-give campaign, which many congregants prefer because donating from their mobile devices is easy. A web store selling church-related material can generate money, or the organization might look into peer-to-peer fundraising, where congregants turn to their existing networks to gather support for the church and its mission. 

Fundraising Events

Fundraising events bring people together to support something important to them. Consider church demographics when planning an event to ensure the highest attendance. A carnival is an excellent idea for churches with young families, and it will help to bring in community members who may then choose to join the congregation. However, this does require a significant amount of planning.

A silent auction is another way to get the community involved, and technology can facilitate the auction process. However, the event doesn’t have to be a big production. A discussion conference brings people together and can be an excellent way to generate interest in the fundraising campaign. This conference might include lectures, panels, or webinars over several days. Sell merchandise to generate interest in the event and bring in extra funds. 

With any fundraiser, it’s best to form a planning committee. This ensures that the work can be divided among several people. They can brainstorm and ensure the fundraising efforts speak to every community member, which helps the organization see results more rapidly. Remember to inform congregants of progress, as this will help rally support and increase involvement. When they can see the results of their efforts, they will be motivated to keep pushing forward. 

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.