Purely blind dates are few and far between nowadays since most men and women prefer meeting people online first and then going out with them in real life. This date can’t be called blind because they’ve already seen each other’s photos and chatted for a while. A genuine blind date is when you are set up with somebody through your friend and you know only a person’s name and don’t have any clue what kind of person he or she is. Dating experts from bridesdating.com decided to study both positive and negative sides of blind dates and would like to share their findings with you.
Blind dates are usually set up by your friends. Who else but your friends know what you need and what you are looking for? There is a chance they will choose a good match for you. Also, your friends will set you up with a person whom they know and you can trust their choice.
If you have a busy lifestyle and don’t have time for looking for a potential date, this may become a good option for you. You just go out and meet a person on the spot. Very often, when you have a stable social circle, you are closed for new people to enter into your life. Leave your comfort zone and meet a person who is not already in your life. Even if there is not a sparkle or romantic connection between you two, still you can have a great fun with that person and even make friends.
A blind date serves as a spur to new dating experiences after a breakup when spirits are low and so is your confidence. Even if it doesn’t turn out to be the best date in your life, at least it will encourage you to you get back in the game.
In fact, blind dates are pretty romantic if you or your date don’t mess the things up from the start. Who knows, maybe that stranger is your soul mate and it is fate that brought you together.
Apart from many positive sides, blind dating has its pitfalls. First of all, going out with a stranger implies certain anxiety due to a potential danger. You can’t predict how this person will behave and act. Also, you can’t be sure about their intentions. The easiest way to eliminate possible danger is to choose a crowded place for your date. Never agree to meet at that person’s home.
Awkwardness is inevitable on a blind date. If you are a shy person, it can be even harder for you to meet a complete stranger. Blind dating is for those people who are easy-going and have a good sense of humor that will help them keep an unstrained atmosphere throughout the date.
Another disadvantage that a blind date implies is that you may start blaming your friend for this arrangement if a date doesn’t go off well.
Despite all pros and cons, you should try blind dating. Maybe, you are among those lucky ones for whom it will become a positive experience.
Here are some useful blind dating tips.
Keep your expectations low. Blind dating is about luck. You didn’t ask this person out and you can’t feel guilty for the wrong choice because everything has been arranged for you. Indeed, expecting that love will ignite once you see that person is childish of you. If a person who shows up happens to be good-looking, interesting, and funny, that’s pure luck. If you feel that your date is a total mess, then it is your bad luck to blame.
Choose a crowded public place. You should always think about your safety going out on a blind date. To be on the safe side, meet in a crowded place such as a coffee-shop.
Don’t stand your date up. You might have already thought that if you manage to see your date at a distance before making yourself noticeable and you realize it’s not your type, you’ll just walk away. Don’t do that. Meet that person and talk a bit anyway. You can always find an excuse to finish your date early if it’s turning into a disaster.
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