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How to Make a Successful Career Change

With the constant changes in the economy and the prevailing uncertainty it is becoming ever more important to be aware of the employment and career choices and options that are available. This article will discuss how you are able to successfully make a career change in these times.

· Understand the market

The top tip before any job moves or drastic career changes is to engender a clear and concise understanding of the current job market.

Many have the opinion that all current jobs are tech based and if you don’t have the technological knowledge then there may not be opportunities. Indeed, tech has taken the world of work by storm and a large number of the available jobs are in tech, but there are also a wide range of growth sectors where jobs are available. A few of the fastest-growing job sectors in Canada are listed below to provide some idea as to the range of jobs.

Precious metal mining is a sector that has grown 6.4% since 2015 and this is growth that is expected to continue. In addition, the value of gold has seen dramatic increases and as such Canada now mines considerably more gold than they did a decade ago.

Legal cannabis is now a legitimate market and employment sector. Canada was one of the first to legalize cannabis for recreational use and the medical sector has not been far behind in their use and distribution of cannabis products.

Primary and community health care is growing like no other sector at the moment. Health demands have increased as society looks to enjoy a more proactive approach to healthcare and wellbeing.

These are but three incredibly different sectors but provide a clear example as to the diversity of the jobs market and thus the importance to have this as your starting point.

· Understand your current skill levels

Be honest with yourself and determine precisely what it is that can do. It doesn’t have to be a Unique selling point, but if you’re in the market you need to consider what it is you’re selling. For those who have been in employment and are looking for a change it may be time to test yourself.  A great way to do this is to undertake a generic skills audit and clearly determine where your key skills lie. Know your skills inside out and be proud of them.

Furthermore, knowing what it is that you can’t do or don’t enjoy doing is also a key factor in moving jobs and developing a career. If managing people really isn’t your thing, then it’d be best not to apply for roles where  this is one of the responsibilities.  This may sound simple and quite obvious, yet many  job seekers apply for roles that they know they aren’t comfortable executing to only then have challenges that may require another move and additional job hunting.

· Be prepared to re-train and be flexible

If your skills don’t match with what’s available on the jobs market, then you will need to change your approach and consider retraining. There has been a notable trend towards moving across careers based on the need or the demand for such jobs. A s fitting example has been the ongoing move into health and security management. Both allow or and look for experienced senior managers from other fields, with management experience, yet you may need to then do a course to provide you with the essential content knowledge to effectively manage in these sectors. A great example course in this regard is a degree in criminology that brings together elements of psychology, forensics and justice and will open up a wide range of job ad career options.

· Be prepared to make a meaningful change.

If the move is going to be successful, you need to think creatively, or better yet, as if there was no box. Obviously, any change must be based on the availability as researched and discussed above, but don’t play it safe. Be prepared to make major changes as this is where the jobs may be. In today’s world of online training and the integration of technology, you’d be surprised at what you can actually do and may very well enjoy.

The example given is always of the avid reader who after years of reading establishes that they are talented at writing. You’ll never know unless you try. So, if you’re serious about a career change or move, then be prepared to change horse mid-course, and do something totally different. With substantial risk comes high reward.

· Be decisive

Once you’ve done the research you need to be decisive, the jobs market is in current flux and as such it is critical to strike while the iron is hot. No need to labor this point. Once you’ve found what it is you want to do, secure the interview, get suited and booted and go get your new job. Staying a job that doesn’t make you happy or provide the work life balance that you need is a sure-fire way to early burn out and a stressful existence.

· Know your preferred work life balance

If you’re about to make changes, be sure about exactly what it is you want from a work life balance, as there will be no point choosing what you believe to be your dream job and then not having time to enjoy it. Set your priorities from the get-go and be clear as to what the new job and the change will mean for you and yours.

Final comments

Changing careers or stating a new one can be daunting. Most important to keep in mind is that the nature of careers and work life has changed forever. Finding something that you enjoy doing and can still make enough money to enjoy the other pastimes that you and your family or loved ones like to do is first prize. No longer is it expected that you should work in a career for your entire working life and change is  as important as continuity. The advice and tips presented and discussed in this article clearly show how you can make a measured and guided career move and should have encouraged you to ‘Think before you leap’.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.