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Is a Game Ready Ice Machine Worth the Money? Find Out Here

While many people consider an ice machine as a dispenser of frozen cubes for drinks, ice machines also are used to heal athletic injuries. They make it possible for an athlete to get off the sidelines and get back on the court or the playing field to pursue the sport they love.

The idea behind an ice machine or cool therapy device is to reduce the pain and swelling that accompanies an injury. This form of cryotherapy allows a patient to numb the pain of a strain or sprain using cold therapy technology.

Applying cold therapy for 3 consecutive days, about 20 minutes per session, will reduce the blood flow and ease swelling and inflammation.

When you reduce the swelling and inflammation of an injury, you also anesthetize the pain naturally. That is because the blood flow is constricted, which minimizes the discomfort.

After you apply ice, you may apply heat. Administering heat increases the circulation so the blood can deliver the oxygen and nutrients required for healing. Just don’t apply cold therapy to a tight muscle, as doing so will contract the muscle, worsening the condition.

Why a Game Ready Machine Is the Answer

Using a Game Ready Ice Machine bought in Source Fitness, however, is a lifesaver if you are treating swelling and inflammation. That is because you control the amount of cold and compression you are delivering to the injury. Not only will the machine reduce bleeding into the surrounding tissues, but it will also alleviate muscle spasms that accompany joint swelling and pain.

Indeed, an ice machine is well worth the money, as the equipment comes in handy when you are recovering from an injury or stress-induced joint damage.

Because Game Ready’s machines are user-friendly, you can treat pain fast and easily. Recovery time is quicker as, again, you can keep the cold at a consistent level.

You Don’t Have to Depend on Pain Medicine

The machine is also portable, so you can tote it wherever you go or when you are traveling. You don’t have to rely on pain medications to alleviate pain, as the equipment desensitizes the injured site naturally.

You can easily incorporate the use of an ice machine in a RICE treatment protocol. RICE is an acronym that translates to Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Because an ice machine offers both cold therapy and compression, you can more easily treat inflammation and swelling.

Indeed, investing in an ice machine by Game Ready is well worth the expense, especially if you regularly take part in sports or work out. Use today’s ice technology to get rid of pain and heal faster from a strain or sprain.

You Need a Backup Plan in Case You Are Injured

Regardless of the sports you pursue, you need to have a backup plan in case you are injured. It is easy to pull a muscle or damage a tendon when you are in the midst of gameplay. You can circumvent this type of problem with cold therapy.

The Quicker You Heal, The Better You Feel

The use of an ice machine is a way to invest in yourself. The quicker you heal and the better you feel is a winning combination, especially when it comes to pursuing the sports you love.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.