
Gaming Tips For Beginners

Written by Jimmy Rustling

When we were toddlers, we were taught the alphabet. When we grew up a little, we were introduced to more complex subjects such as science, social studies, mathematics, etc. the point is, we learned everything. There was a stage when we were a beginner in learning the alphabet, but with time we progressed.

Similar is the case with gaming. There will be a stage when you learn the a-b-c of gaming, and then one day, you will be a pro player.

But for the time being, when you are still a beginner, we have a few tips that will guide you in your gaming journey:

Get the perfect PC

If you play online games like Saudi Arabia casinos only once in a while, then a normal PC would work. But if you are a regular player, you need to get the right PC to fulfill your gaming requirements. The graphics, speed of the game, and gaming experience will be a lot better on a PC that is designed for gaming.

Understand the controls of the game

Every game has a separate set of controls; some use the keyboard, while some need a remote control. Either way, you have to learn how to use these gaming controls. You can learn this by watching an experienced player playing, but most importantly, you will only learn this through practice.

Set a time limit for playing

It often happens with beginners when they start liking the game they play that they forget to set time limits. It is very important to set daily time limits if you are a regular player to prevent wasting your time. Remember, excess of anything is harmful.

Know when to bring money into gaming

Most games have a free version, where you can play as a guest. It is not always necessary that you need to pay to play a game. And essentially, for a beginner, it makes no sense that they spend money right from the start of their gaming journey.

Follow all safety rules

Playing online has many repercussions if you don’t follow certain basic rules. On the internet, your safety is in your hands. You need to ensure that you take all necessary measures to guard your privacy and also protect your device from malware.

Only practice makes a man perfect!

You cannot become an expert if you play regularly for, say, a week. You will have to practice and practice and practice, and then only you will become a pro player. What experiences you gain over time, you cannot gain in a day.


Last, but the most important thing.

Why are you really playing that game? Simple, because you enjoy playing it.

Do not get so engrossed in winning or losing that you forget to enjoy the game.


It is said – “the expert in something was once a beginner.” This is just so true when it comes to anything but gaming. Do not play with the aim to become an expert one day; play because you love playing. And who knows, this love for gaming might turn you into an expert someday?

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.