The easiest way to get the most bang for your buck when playing online casinos is to be on the lookout for the best casino bonuses. From signup bonuses to loyalty rewards, there is almost no reason why you will need to spend money at online casinos without some type of bonus.
Like you probably do not buy too many full-price items at the department store, you should not have to pay full price for online casinos either. You should be able to find at minimum deposits for registering your account at any online casino, and in most cases, you should find bonuses that are bigger and better than that as well.
The bottom line is, don’t start playing at an online casino without using some type of free bonus, as that would most likely be a waste of your money. Consider too what type of games you will be playing the most, as some bonuses are tailored by the actual game you play.
Sign up and No Deposit Bonuses
There is never a shortage of bonus codes available for online casinos. The best bonuses might come upfront as many online casinos give you rewards and bonuses just for signing up with their websites. Look out for these bonuses and don’t be afraid to go to different online casinos to look for different and better signup bonuses. Each casino will certainly offer you something.
You might also get free spin bonuses from some casinos, meaning you can get free spins before you deposit any money.
No deposit bonuses mean you can get bonuses without depositing any of your own money. A lot of times there are also bonuses when you do deposit money, like the match deposit bonus.
Match Deposit Bonuses
While not quite as good as bonuses you get just for registering your account or the no deposit bonus, a match deposit bonus is a bonus that is given when you do deposit money. While you will be required to deposit some of your own money, the bonus you receive will make your money go further, so it is almost as good as a no deposit bonus.
A lot of times, online casinos will give you bonuses that match a certain dollar amount of your own deposits. This makes it like a buy one get one special. Spend a little of your own money but get a bonus back in the amount that you deposit. A 50% off sale is usually considered a good sale.
Loyalty Bonuses
Another great bonus, the loyalty bonus rewards just that – your loyalty. If you have not found the right online casino for you, this is the incentive to do so. By choosing one or two casinos to patronize instead of spreading out your money, you will likely get reward with loyalty bonuses that casinos give out to customers who play for a long time.
Think of a loyalty bonus like a frequent flier card. Airlines give you points and free flights for using their brands a lot, and online casinos are the same way. While it is a good idea to use a lot of different online casinos initially so you can stock up on welcome bonuses, once you are an established player you should pick one or two favorites so that you can get the hefty loyalty bonuses most online casinos give to their long-time customers.
A Good Rule of Thumb
If you are the type to grocery shop using coupons or wait to purchase any big-ticket item until it goes on sale, then you absolutely must get the most out of bonus spins and bonus dollars when you are using online casinos. Luckily, in most cases, all you have to do is register an account and you will instantly get a bonus from most casinos. After that, it just takes some practice and getting to know each casino. Casinos compete with one another to get your business – use that to your advantage by maximizing the number of bonuses you can get from each place. But, don’t forget – ultimately you will benefit from using the same one or two casinos so you can get that loyalty bonus.