Series creator, Vince Gilligan, has announced that Breaking Bad Season 6 will begin shooting in July of 2015. (AMC Photo/Dennis System)
Hollywood, CA — Breaking Bad fans around the world are celebrating the stunning, glorious and amazing news announced today: Walter White is not dead, and there will indeed be a sixth season of the wildly-popular, award-winning AMC drama.
UPDATE: 7/5/15 – NBC News has confirmed that filming for Breaking Bad Season Six will begin in August
This shocking and exciting news comes not from an internet message board or the rumor mill but from series creator Vince Gilligan. In an exclusive CNN interview late Thursday evening, Gilligan dropped the bombshell.
“Walter White is not dead, and neither is Breaking Bad,” said the 47-year-old writer, director, and executive producer of the groundbreaking show.
“We’ve kept it under wraps for months, now the cat’s out of the bag. Season 6 is coming, and it’s going to be epic and true to the fans that have followed the show so incessantly.”
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Gilligan explained his decision to continue with the popular series.
“I just couldn’t walk away from it. This isn’t a cash-grab or a sophomoric attempt to bastardize what was such a beautiful ending to season 5. I’ve invested so much of myself in these characters that I’d always had an inkling I’d return to it, even outside [the] Better Call Saul [spinoff]. The kicker was I’d need a spark, something that made it make sense for these stories to continue.”
The series star Bryan Cranston seemed to drop a major hint in an interview with CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield back in May. Asked by Banfield if his character, Walter White, died or not, Cranston said, “Hey, you never saw bags zip up or anything. Or say … you know.”
In response to questions about whether the character could show up in a movie or anywhere else ever again, Cranston said: “Never say never.”
Gilligan explained how the decision came about to do a season six.
“Bryan [Cranston] called me up last year and said he had this incredibly lucid dream in which Walt wakes up in a hospital bed surrounded by the DEA, ends up breaking out of prison and finds out he’s got fans,” Gilligan said. “This isn’t a redemption story, it’s got a bleak, dark premise. I can’t give away any more of the details, but let’s just say Walt has quite a bit of unfinished business to attend to, and it sure as hell has nothing to do with teaching high school science.”
According to Gilligan, the entire cast has principally agreed to return for at least one more season. This includes Bob Odenkirk, star of ‘Better Call Saul’, the prequel comedy series which just finished season one over at AMC.
“I’m not surprised in the least that Vince is going back to Breaking Bad,” said Odenkirk. “I’ve been working with him on set for a long time, and the last few times I’ve seen him, he’s had sort of a glint in his eye, a bounce to his step. He’s laughing at a bunch of jokes I couldn’t pull off two years ago. I mean, comedy and drama can be radically different, and no one does drama like Vince. I’m completely on board.”
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Paul Horner, a Breaking Bad writer since season one, upon hearing the announcement by Gilligan confirmed the news with MSNBC.
“Yes, it’s true. You don’t know how much of a relief this is to finally get this off my back. I’ve been keeping this a secret for two long months now, I was ready to explode,” he said. “Here’s a little spoiler for all you fans out there so stop reading right now if you don’t want any information, otherwise, lets go. Season six begins with Walt waking up in the hospital, handcuffed to his bed. Like Bryan [Cranston] said last May, nobody ever saw a body bag, so essentially, the last episode of Season 5 was left open-ended. Skyler, Walt Jr., Marie… none of them have any idea he’s survived, but the DEA is right on top of it. We’ll go through the motions of people finding out he’s alive – many people wanted Walt dead, so there’s a lot of disconcerted, angry people out there. We have Walt going to trial, his incarceration and how he’s keeping Heisenberg and the blue meth on the streets during his imprisonment. Season 6 will have Walt’s eventual breakout, despite the fact that he’s being held prisoner in a fashion not seen since Hannibal Lecter. The nationwide manhunt for Jesse Pinkman is both epic and gripping, and I can tell you for certain his relationship with Walt will continue, in a much more strained, arch-nemesis-type fashion. None of this is anything you won’t find out about in the trailer, but it’s high time to get truly, truly excited for the greatest show of all time! I believe in this, it’s a valid and worthwhile continuation of something that deserves discernment and care. Breaking Bad Season 6! It’s not over yet!”
The original series won multiple awards, including ten Primetime Emmys. Out of 267 nominations, Breaking Bad has garnered 101 trophies. Shooting for Breaking Bad: Season 6 is scheduled to begin July, 2015.
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VIDEO: Vince Gilligan Announces Breaking Bad Season 6
TWITTER: AMC Announces Breaking Bad Season 6
Image from a storyboard of Breaking Bad Season 6
Breaking Bad season 6 coming soon!
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This is the greatest news ever!!!
Oh thank God… I had bad withdrawl symtoms!
This is AWESOME!!!
I know right and I just bout a highsinberg shirt I’m sooooooo happpyyyyyy!!!!!
so shit
Breaking Bad season 6 and Better Call Saul at the same time… this is going to be so awesome
Fuck You BITCH,Jessi Said.
I didn’t like Breaking Bad, it was stupid. I don’t see what the big deal is
Breaking bad rocks
Your a stupid jellies no talent bitch.
And I bet you have the face of a dog
You should not live in this world, fuck off.
obvious bait
Please fuck off you stupid fuck.
Then why bother reading this article and comment on it then dumbass
This is very exciting news for Breaking Bad fans. If you wouldn’t mind trying to kill the buzz… that would be great.
Well it was one of the highest rated shows of all time. But what does everyone else know right?
Beside The Walking Dead but I’m pumped
you are a fucking moron piece of shit. go kill yourself
Holy shit man. You’re the ‘fucking moron piece of shit’. YOU should go kill yourself for that comment back, scum.
It’s people like you that make me sick. You want them to kill themselves and they are a moron because they don’t like a show you like? Wtf is wrong with you? Can’t you just enjoy the news Breaking Bad will come back without having to be a jumped up little prick telling people to kill themselves?! Stfu and grow the fuck up. You fuck face retard turnip.
You’re the only person I’ve ever heard of that doesn’t like the show. Literally the only one.
thats because you are ignorant and probably live in USA
White trash
USA kicks ass and shits on whatever dumb ass country you are from Murcia fuck yeah
kill yourself
Go read a book. Fucker.
OMG I peed on myself as soon as I saw this article. Guess I’m goin back to Huggies.
if you dont like it i think you should not comment here go! get some other space bitch
Go die in a ditch… -_-
Yeah, that’s why it won so many awards. It was as good as televised drama gets, for oh, say about the last thirty five years. Most of which I’m virtually certain you weren’t around for.
u can shove that comment right up your cooch Sara L
Fuck you you stupid cunt best show ever. Period.
Breaking Bad is the only thing I’ve watched on tv in about ten years. It’s incredible.
Why the hell are you here then lol
just die bitch.
This is the best news I’ve heard so far this year!
Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, both playing at the same time…. what more do you want?
Sarah.L, you joker! I see what you did there, hilarious irony….
Magnets B******
I hope this is for real!!!
So stoked on a season 6!!!!!
Nothing to be excited bout Better Call Saul is so so so boring BB rocks. Can’t wait for S6 to happen
Can’t wait for season 6!!!
I just finished watching BB- the entire series and I am still blown away.
Amen to that
Can’t wait for season six! Woo-hoo!!!
This is AWESOME NEWS guys!!!
This is awesome!
Can’t wait to see Breaking Bad Season 6! Truly excited!
Sounds awesome! Can’t wait!
I cant wait!!!
Best news ever!!!
It’s the best news I’ve heard in years. I wonder if they’ll do a season 7?
Vince Gilligan is a genius. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with
Would love to see a season 6!
Love breaking bad so much
I’m confused? So is there going to be a season 7 also, or no?
you’d better not fuck this up
A season 6 is a bad idea. As much as I want to see the show, season 5 was a perfect ending. Must have faith in Vince Gilligan
This, is, AWESOME!!!
Now only if Hank could return as Zombie Hank
Can you guys believe this? Realistically, an episode of Breaking Bad season 6 could air one night, and then the next evening, Better Call Saul. SO FRICKIN’ AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah itz gonna b grt ..woohoo!!!!
this is so awesome!!!!! YEAH!!! BREAKING BAD!!!!!
This is so great… so glad that Vince Gilligan confirmed there would be a season 6. Such great news!
SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!
This news is great, and Twitter confirms it.Greatest news ever!
WWWWhhhhheeeeewwwwww!!!!!!! Almost got over the first five seasons………. THEN THIS GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING ME MY BUD…. AND MY BEER biittttccchhhhhh!!!!!
I am the one who knocks!
PLSSsSssssSSs be as awesome as all the other seasons!!!!!
You assholes keep changing my comments to this is awsome i never posted this i posted the truth that your bullshit news is fake you have no proof the tweet is also fake vince never posted this so fuck you news examiner for giving fake news and changing my comments
I like writing to myself. I wonder if Vince Gillgan gets most of his ideas from just writing by himself. I bet he does, because if he wrote around other people and they found out what he was saying was a joke or something, it would ruin the whole thing. They would call him names like bitch and cunt. But Vince is awesome, so I don’t think that would ever happen. Just people with no lives who like to ruin the party for everyone. It’s those same neighbors that call the police because they heard a bottle break next door at a party at 9:30PM on a Saturday night. But Vince wouldn’t do that because he’s awesome!!!
Is this the best news ever, or the bestest news ever?!!!
This is great news, thank you for confirming this!
I love my life now that season 6 of Breaking Bad is coming out! Yay!
I found that Tweet on their page, what are people talking about? NBC confirmed the accuracy of this story too 🙂
Yeah NBC!!!
I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it! I think I’m gonna lose control and I think I like it! Breaking Bad Season 6!!!!!
I am too happy to hear this! Thank you :****
I’m so happy I can’t control myself!!!
Since Walter killed Mike, I don’t give a shit what happens to Walt or the show.
Where are you guys finding the source to confirm this?
Keep it up Breaking Bad!
Just finished watching breaking bad for the first time. I thought the whole thing built up to that ending which was perfect.(His ego causing his death).And funny enough i was thinking how the wire became too long winded and should have been slightly shorter, which what makes breaking bad better (but both good)
If you didn’t love Breaking Bad, there is something wrong with you. I laughed, I cried, I was shocked and stunned, and that was in one episode. In mourning now after just watching the last one. Can’t wait for season 6
Awesome news and if you dont like the show you must be a gay fag cocksucker and can eat my shit and choke
woooooooooooow…………….. 2016: is going to be a blast……………..!!!!!!!!! all awesome movies and now this………………….!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You :’) ………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best news heard after 2 years ……………!!!!! thank you……………!!!!!! Long Live Breaking Bad :’) ………….!!!!!!! The Bitch is ganna come back…………..!!!!!
……i fucked Ted .
gonna miss Hank!
… miss Hank!
Epicness loading
Incredibly stupid decision.
Vince should have left well enough alone.
Damn Right !!!
Damn right !!
dudes !! Thats a fucking great news , best show of all time, damm i´m so fucking exited and upset because of that moron who´s literaly the only one who doesn´t know shit..
Worst idea sence the last episode of lost
Breaking Bad forever!!!!
I hate Breaking Bad, but of course this comment won’t get published.
Epic! I watched the five seasons in a week! And I was new into Breaking Bad, was sad there was not a season six when I finished.
A season 6 is an awful awful bad idea.
Breaking Bad is coming back! Woooo!
Woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Breaking Bad season 6!!!!
This is the best news ever! Breaking Bad 4life!!!
veryyyyy gooooooddddd news.m so exited friends….
This is the best news ever!!!!!!!!!
bitch!………….loveable characters! great storyline
Fuck your spoiler filled site fuck oyou all
If you didn’t like BB there is definitely something wrong with you. It is the best my family practicality cried when it was over
Can anyone pass this on to Vince Gilligan?
I have a great title for a series and it is a true story. It’s about two of my closest friends from high school and myself winding up in prison after an extremely successful career in guerrilla farming back in the ’80’s in South Carolina. You can read the 1989 August 3rd S.C. State Paper B section front page (with photos) and the Aiken Newspaper front page (with photos) the same day.
My friends and I would like to meet a screenwriter to tell our story to. We have experienced things you can’t make up. There is no doubt it would be a hit. We were way ahead of our time!