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How to become the best business analyst

What is the difference between an ordinary business analyst and a great business analyst? Sure, education achievements and credentials play a role, the software also helps, but that’s not enough, is it? Nowadays, getting good grades can be as easy as getting assistance from sites like It takes more than the business degree to be a great analyst.

Supposing you were a business owner, would you want to work with someone who stumbles through a conversation or one who visibly sweats when meeting your eye or the person who commands the room the moment their foot passes the door?

If the person who commands a room with zeal jumps into a business analyst career, he or she has the capabilities of being fantastic. Combine that aura with a few other qualities, and they’d be overflowing with work and offers.

Here’s a look at some qualities every great business analyst should have.

1. Impressive Communication skills

Great business analysts know effective communication isn’t something to compromise on; it’s a necessity. For any given assignment, they’ll converse with managers and employees on the phone, through email, and in-person eloquently. Any hiccups in these discussions create doubt and in turn more work for everyone involved.

2. The Ability To Solve Problems

When a problem occurs within the company, it could be a hiccup in operations or a change in process management that is needed. Regardless of the issue, a business analyst is the one who is called in to fix it. The solutions aren’t always simple. Analysts will need to run through multiple operations and relevant scenarios before finding one solution that fits. Because businesses are intricate, they require many working parts such as processes, management, customers, and employees. A given solution could be good for one of those groups, but deadly to another.

A business analyst who immediately implements the first solution that hits their brain is undesirable. You want someone who can examine a problem from every angle imaginable. One who speaks to all parties involved for valuable input and feedback. This analyst sees the success of your company as their personal success too.

3. Critical Thinking

Finding the ideal solution doesn’t happen by chance. The answers don’t appear at the bottom of a coffee mug or in the middle of a dream, right before waking up, even though it’d be nice if it were that simple. Analysts rely heavily on their ability to think critically.

Sometimes, the visible reason behind a problem isn’t the true reason at all. Maybe the manager just needs a team to work because they’ve been having complications on a project. The analyst must speak to everyone involved to understand why this need exists and what he can do to help both the team and the manager equally. Otherwise, production and profits stagnate.

Looking at the problem from the surface only provides shallow or ineffective results.

4. An Analytical Mind

As an analyst, you don’t have to be born with an analytical mind, but you need to appreciate and use different forms of analysis. With many types of analyses, it’d be easy to be overwhelmed in the overload of information. But a great business analyst understands when using PESTLE is superior to value chain analysis and vice versa.

To truly dig deep into a problem or to assess a proposed solution, an analytical mind helps to strategically break it down into easily understandable pieces of information. It can help outline the scenario and to build a framework for an effective solution. For a business analyst, the various types of analysis are a staple in their tool box.

5. Master Process Modeling

Some forms of analysis involve visual or process modeling. These are visual representations of information, often depicted on graphs or diagrams. It’s common in process management where various processes of a business must be visually displayed for easy understanding. This may be a requirement, depending on the job, but it’s also important to grow these skills because some people respond better to visual information than when they are simply explained to.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.