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How to Edit PDF Files and Which Tools You Need

Written by Jimmy Rustling

PDF editing software is widely available but they vary in their quality, features, and user-friendliness. The most common and popular PDF editor for businesses and other professional, high-level organizations like local, state, and federal governments is Adobe Acrobat. The creator of the PDF format, Adobe is the gold standard for document sharing, creation, and editing. But Adobe’s software comes at a high cost, especially for casual users or people who need a quick and easy-to-use platform. For those users, the web is awash in more user-friendly and affordable PDF editing tools that can help them meet their needs without breaking the bank.

What Can I Edit When I Modify a PDF?

PDFs were not always so easy to edit. The proliferation of online PDF editors came after a period where Adobe Acrobat was the only way to successfully change elements of a PDF file. The document format was not so easy to edit because they were meant to be read and designed or written only by their creators.

As the PDF became more and more ubiquitous, users found that they needed to modify certain elements, add certain features and formats, as well as change their layouts to meet other needs. This is when Adobe Acrobat began adding more editing features like the ability to add or remove text, as well as the ability to insert images, graphics, charts, etc.

Another important feature that emerged in dealing with PDFs was the ability to merge or split PDFs to make them more concise. Rather than sending someone a large, lengthy PDF file, users could use editing software to remove irrelevant pages to create a file that was easier to send electronically and more germane to their purposes.

How Do You Edit a PDF Online?

There are many different ways to edit a PDF online. With the wealth of PDF tools available online, the once-complicated task of editing a PDF has now become more straightforward and intuitive. Several online PDF editors use very simple processes to help everyday users through the particulars of how to edit a PDFEscape online.

A tool like Lumin PDF features a very easy-to-use editing platform. Lumin PDF is a downloadable program that comes with both a desktop-based and mobile application for users to make changes to their PDF files on the go. Once users have registered with Lumin PDF they will be able to use the program’s PDF editor that will let them add or remove text, add annotations and even merge or split pages.

Other online PDF editing software uses similar tools and methods. Many online editors let users simply drag and drop their PDF files into their browser, which makes it even easier to begin editing a PDF. Once uploaded, many editors give users several different editing options like being able to highlight and remove the text or letting people split, merge and combine many PDFs into one.

Which is the Best PDF Editor for Businesses?

The preferred PDF editing tool for most businesses is Adobe Acrobat. The number of features and customization options that the software allows is the reason why many businesses have chosen to use the proprietary software for their needs. Adobe Acrobat is for more experienced users that have to work with and edit PDFs daily.

With that said, many businesses, even high-profile companies like Uber and Facebook, go with online editors or browser-based software that are available at lower costs, but still feature a plethora of different editing options. These online programs are either downloadable or available to users through different subscription plans.

These web-based applications may not have as many, in-depth editing features as Adobe, but they get the job done for users who need to edit or change something about a PDF on the fly. They are more flexible and do not require a lot of storage space or processing power to get the same results that a premium program like Adobe Acrobat requires.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.