
How Videos Can Help Your Business Thrive Digitally

The content marketing landscape has changed drastically. Today, content succeeds only if it can deliver as per customer demands. Luckily, it is easy to keep up with this changing landscape if you can invest in advanced content forms like videos.

Go by the words of James McQuivey, a digital marketing expert who says that one minute of video content is equivalent to 1.8 million words. That’s whopping, isn’t it?

Videos in landing pages can boost the conversion rates by 80%, and the ones in emails can boost CTRs by 200 to 300%. Not only this, 90% of the consumers believe that videos help them make buying decisions. In comparison, 64% of the consumers have a higher chance of buying a product online after watching its video.

59% of the decision-makers in a company would like to watch a video rather than read a blog post or article. And at present, 87% of online marketers are using video content in their digital marketing campaigns.

The above statistics prove that, undoubtedly, videos can help your business grow digitally. Let’s see how:

Take Your Efforts for Digital Marketing to the Next Level with Videos

The best way of closing B2B sales is by engaging the prospective buyers on different levels like blogs, websites, and social media. You can give a boost to these efforts by combining them with videos.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Users on social media sites engage with videos more than anything else.
  • Simply using the term “video” in the subject of an email increases click-through rates by 300%.
  • Videos on Facebook have the potential of reaching an average of 135% more users than images.
  • Videos embedded in blogs can increase the number of readers for the blogs.
  • When you add a video to your business site, you will notice an increase in traffic and your search engine rankings.
  • Perfectly optimized YouTube videos rank higher in the Google search results.

Web algorithms have prioritized videos over static images and text, just like the consumers. And if you are unable to take on this trend, you might have to take the back seat in the competition.

Considering that 85% of the individuals want more videos from their favorite brands, if you feed this thirst for verified information in your prospects by presenting them with quality videos, your digital marketing journey will be more engaging and exciting.

Use Personalized Videos for Targeting Different Customers

When it was expensive to make videos, businesses were forced to create just a few videos targeting a massive audience. But things have changed for the good at present.

Now it is easier and more affordable for businesses to make videos, thanks to the availability of video creator free online tools in the market. It lets you create and share short videos, slideshow-format videos, and home videos, in literally just minutes.

And this is what has led businesses into producing specific videos for specific buyers’ personas. It has become easier for businesses to target different types of people as per their profession, gender, position, problems, and interests. And when your targets are more specific, the better your chances of getting good conversion results.

UpWork, the American freelancing platform, is a good example of a company using a personalized video strategy for targeting different personalities and their pain points. UpWork’s “Hey World” campaign reaches out to the world’s leaders, offering freelance assistance to resource-strapped and time-strapped business icons, pop culture figures, political leaders, and institutions.

When the gig economy is rising and 57.3 million US citizens are freelancing, this new campaign from UpWork narrates the story of companies and freelancers taking the big leap to create better careers, lives, and businesses. The campaign touches different personalities individually and brings in good results for the freelancing platform.

Videos Are Trending on LinkedIn

LinkedIn, the social media channel for B2B professionals, introduced its Native Videos concept in 2017. With this new feature, people can now upload videos on LinkedIn just like they do on Facebook directly.

This move has worked as a game-changer for the B2B professionals helping brands target other businesses most effectively on LinkedIn. This further helps businesses in expanding their reach.

And that’s not the end of the story.

There’s so much on offer for businesses that get the option of video advertisements in ads and sponsored content. Now, you can easily target email contacts on the platform and explore new prospects as per their specific skill set, job title, and company name.

As a business, when you use LinkedIn for promoting your business through videos, you have fewer chances of getting lost in marketing clichés and jargon. Videos on LinkedIn also help you in removing the confusion your prospects can have regarding your business and regarding the advantages of your products and services.

Videos Make Boring Stuff Interesting

There’s a definite story behind the products and services offered by businesses. And if you are dealing in products and services that you do not know how to present in front of the prospects, use videos.

Videos will help you make the stories behind your products and services come to life while building a real image of your brand in the minds of the consumers. But remember, you will succeed only if you try out the right video content formations.

Try combining different creative visuals while keeping an eye on analytics simultaneously. Doing so will help you understand what’s working for your business in terms of video content that is on offer for the target audience.

Do not be scared to think out of the box and create exclusive content. Happiness and enthusiasm are infectious. Try harnessing your passion for your brand and highlight the same to your audience.

Slack, the software firm for messaging, has successfully generated more than 1 million views by using this strategy. The company proves through its video campaign “So Yeah, We Tried Slack” that you do not require crazy animation for making a great video.

It uses clean and simple visual effects to explain digital communication issues and software pain points, which has been really effective. The fact that varied individuals communicate in different mediums under a single roof is something the company’s customers can ideally relate to. This is among the best setups for the customers to understand the solutions offered by Slack.

The Takeaway

Undoubtedly, video marketing is changing at a breakneck pace. But there’s one thing that remains constant: video is one of the most critical elements in a company’s marketing strategy.

Companies need to use videos for marketing their products and services on a very large scale because they increase retention, drive sales, build brand awareness and improve customer experience.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.