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Creating a Cozier Office Space in Your Home

Written by Jimmy Rustling

With many people choosing to work from home, it is important that their workspace is an area where they can be productive. When creating a home office space, comfort is often the key to ensuring productivity. Unlike the cold office space away from home, individuals will not feel the agonizing need to leave as soon as possible. A few tips can help anyone create a cozy space that will make work more enjoyable.

The Right Temperature

Although working in an office building does not allow individuals to set the temperature to their ideal comfort, working from home does. If it is too hot or too cold, it can be difficult focusing on work. When setting up a new office, it may be a good idea to consider installing a new AC unit or space heater. A new room or sectioned-off area of the home may not get the same benefits from the home’s heating or cooling system as the rest of the home.

Being able to control the temperature in the office space can boost productivity. The right temperature in the space lets individuals focus on their work and not be busy trying to cool off or warm up. Unfortunately, when a small room is created in the home and filled with office equipment, it can quickly become very warm. A new AC unit can help keep the area more comfortable and provide a cozier working environment.

The Right Lighting

The lighting in the office can also create a cozy environment that fosters productivity. Of course, the best option is always natural lighting. If it is possible to add windows or skylights to the workspace, then definitely do it. Also, get rid of the curtains to let the light shine in. Natural light is the best option for creating a cozy environment and keeping healthy and happy. Unfortunately, natural lighting is not always an option.

When determining the best artificial lights for the office, it is best to find something that will not create a lot of glare but will also provide enough light to reduce shadows. Both glare and shadows can reduce visibility and become annoying while trying to work and may even increase eye strain. Some track lighting or overhead options paired with decorative lighting can diffuse the light throughout the area.

The Right Furniture

The right furniture is very important for a home office space. Gone are the days of working hunched over at the kitchen table. There is no need to suffer back pain and other discomforts caused by the wrong furniture. Ergonomics is fitting a job to a person. The office furniture should be fitted to the individual’s needs and uses to prevent discomfort or even injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.

There is a variety of ergonomically designed furniture that provides the perfect support to ensure work can be completed in comfort and without the risk of injury. From choosing the right desk and chair to the placement of the monitor and

The Right Rugs

The right rugs can tie a room together and complete the look and feel of your space. Runner rugs are an ideal choice for hallways and entryways. They provide a welcoming touch while also protecting floors from dirt and debris brought in from outside. For living rooms and dens, area rugs are a great option. They create cozy conversation areas and define spaces within an open-concept room.

When choosing rugs, consider the size of your space, the amount of traffic the area gets, and the existing decor. Natural fiber runner rugs in neutral tones tend to work well with most styles, while patterned or brightly colored rugs can make a bold statement and become a focal point of the room. With a variety of sizes, shapes, materials, and patterns available, finding the perfect rug is easy.

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About the author

Jimmy Rustling

Born at an early age, Jimmy Rustling has found solace and comfort knowing that his humble actions have made this multiverse a better place for every man, woman and child ever known to exist. Dr. Jimmy Rustling has won many awards for excellence in writing including fourteen Peabody awards and a handful of Pulitzer Prizes. When Jimmies are not being Rustled the kind Dr. enjoys being an amazing husband to his beautiful, soulmate; Anastasia, a Russian mail order bride of almost 2 months. Dr. Rustling also spends 12-15 hours each day teaching their adopted 8-year-old Syrian refugee daughter how to read and write.